The Hunter Of Gharven Cemetery

"I have to get it... otherwise I'll die," he thought desperately. As he crawled through the thorny bushes, his hunger drove him on.

"I can smell it. But I can't see it. I have to get it now," he repeated to himself as he emerged from the bushes. Carefully he crept over the short, soft grass towards a large headstone, and peered over the top.

Finally, he saw his target. A young lady, sitting under a large Cedar tree. The moon reflected off of her jet black hair. She was humming softly, and holding a small, round, wicker basket in her lap.

In it there were a dozen red roses, a heart shaped box, and an open, half eaten jar of caviar with a miniature wooden spoon. On the outside was a fancy, engraved gift card. It said "Happy Halloween Tammy".

"I will feast," he gloated, as he stalked towards the girl, who obliviously continued to hum.

A strong gust of wind suddenly blew, chilling Tammy. "Oh, my. I hope Jonathan gets here soon. Why did he choose such a spooky place to meet? I know we've taken many a sunlit stroll here, but there are more romantic spots than Gharven Cemetery for a Halloween date," she thought.

Restless and slightly afraid, she stood and began to walk. Clutching her basket to her chest as if it were a child, Tammy went all the way to the front gate.

"No!!! I must feed. If she leaves, all is lost," he thought miserably. "Nobody else will come tonight. I'll starve," he mourned, trying to catch up without being seen.

Tammy leaned on the gate, until it started to open. Then it stopped with a loud clang. Her heart began to race, a panic rising in her at the idea of being trapped.

"Oh it's chained shut at night," the girl reminded herself, trying to shake her fear.

"I'll have to leave around the back. Jonathan will understand - we can do something tomorrow night," she assured herself.

"Good, I will surely be able to catch up now," he thought gratefully, trying to cover the distance as fast as he could.

Sensing that something was following her, the girl began to jog. Out of breath, she stopped by a large angel statue to rest.

"Hello?" said a man's voice, causing her to drop her basket, and stumble backwards.

Tammy sat hard on the thick carpet of colorful leaves, and shrieked.

"What's wrong?" asked the man, as he rushed out.

"Jonathan?" Tammy asked, wide eyed but unharmed.

"Were you expecting anyone else?" he asked, as he helped the frightened girl up.

"No... I just feel like someone's been following me," replied Tammy.

"I'm sorry. Maybe we should have met somewhere else," he said, giving her a quick hug.

"No, it's fine. I'm just glad you're here. Maybe we can see if there's a midnight matinee?" she suggested.

"I guess so, the romantic mood out here sure has been broken," Jonathan replied in disappointment.

"Where's my basket?" asked Tammy, looking around.

"Finally, my hunt is over," he thought with satisfaction, savoring the victory.

Tammy finally spotted the basket. It had rolled in back of the statue. She laughed, both with relief and joy.

"So there's my stalker," she said, suddenly feeling foolish.

"I've never seen such a thin cat. I can actually count his ribs," marveled Jonathan.

Slowly he circled the emaciated creature, who was too busy with the caviar to notice anything else. Gently he picked him up with one hand, and the jar with the other.

"I don't think he even realizes I'm holding him," whispered Jonathan.Tammy collected her basket, and they left the cemetery.

"Are you going to keep him?" she asked curiously, looking at the half dead animal who had fallen asleep after he finished his meal.

"Yeah, after I take him to the vet... I think he really needs a home," replied Jonathan seriously.

"I think you're right. But now that the cemetery has lost its hunter, who will scare unsuspecting visitors at night?" Tammy asked lightly.

"Maybe this guy has an owl friend," Jonathan suggested with a soft laugh.

Cover image made in Canva using their gallery

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