Twisted Revenge


"I told you never to set foot on my property again!" exclaimed Anna, as she held a hunting rifle. With her jet black hair flying in the breeze, the small woman with the large rifle appeared nearly as formidable as a bear.

"Hey, I just came to talk! I want to make an offer!" explained the well dressed, overweight man apologetically, as sweat poured off of his red, chubby face. He eyed the rifle fearfully.

An ancient family heirloom, handed down from her great grandfather Grizzly Heart, the rifle was in immaculate condition. And had it been loaded, it would have been deadly. Anna smiled, enjoying her little secret. That worm Arthurs had arrived while she was cleaning the beloved keepsake. But it was still capable of protecting, even without bullets.

"Unless you're offering to go jump off Razor's Edge, I'm not interested! GO!" she demanded, adjusting the unloaded rifle to aim directly at his temple.

"I'm leaving! Ma'am." He backed up slowly. He kept backing up, until he stumbled over a rock. Then he scrabbled up, and did his rather slow version of a sprint towards his Ferrari.

Always one to get the last word, the high powered attorney called out from the running car. "Mrs. Morrison. If you want to make a deal, you know where to find me!"

When he was gone, Anna sighed. "He's already taken almost everything. Why is he doing this to me?" she mused, for the millionth time. She finished cleaning the rifle, then loaded it.

"Where is that blasted idiot? This stinking alley is making me sick! Who meets in such a disgusting place?"

He started to walk towards the road - and the dumpster, which he noted with distaste he would have to pass if he wanted to exit on Brewer's Street.


The loud sound of the dumpster lid opening made him jump.

"What the - " A hand clapped firmly over his mouth, and an angry voice hissed "It's me. Don't shout like that again, what are you trying to do?"

Seconds later he was free. "You took ten years off my life! I could have had a heart attack! I should sue you..."

"And what would you say in court?" asked a man sarcastically, as he emerged easily from the dumpster. He was neither football player nor gymnast, but something about him spoke of an athletic background.

"Oh, forget it. Just never do that again. Let's get down to business." grumbled Arthurs.

"That's more like it... First, I never take a job unless I know that the target is... Deserving."

"Oh, believe me, she is. I already stripped her of her business, and caused her father enough stress that he went to an early grave. I took his horses first though, and sold every last one of them to a breeder in England. He never saw them again, and I made a good penny.

Then after he was planted, she had an auction, in an attempt to get enough to save that poor excuse for a ranch. I bought every scrap that she auctioned off. And I got it for a song, thanks to my buddy at the paper. He made sure there was a typo and everyone else showed up a day late." he reminisced with a smile, warming to his subject.

"Man!" whistled the stranger lowly. "It sounds like you already got your revenge. What did she do, cheat on you?"

"Nah, if that ever happened..." Arthurs replied, as a strange fire began to kindle in his eyes.

"Then what did she do?" he asked.

"It was her mother. She dated me in high school, we were steady for three years straight. Then this kid from Arizona showed up, with a few prize horses. Before I knew it, she was spending more time at his ranch than with me! Said I could come along if I wanted. Trail rides or some such rubbish, every weekend!" he spat, his eyes gleaming with hatred.

"I see..." replied the stranger, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"No, you don't see! It just kept getting worse. They started dating. A month after graduation, they married. Two months later, she announced that she was pregnant. I lost her... And then the brat sealed it. My girl died having that kid. And this is why I need you. If you can burn down the house and stable, she won't have a chance of making the mortgage payment. She's going to know what it's like to lose everything, just like I did!"

"I can't begin to imagine how you felt... Allow me to think about it, I'll let you know by next week." replied the stranger, as he reached into the dumpster, and pulled out his backpack.

Three days later:

As Art Arthurs dozed in front of his custom wall sized television set, the phone rang. "Mr. Arthurs? I'm pleased to inform you that I have decided to take your... Assignment."

"Excellent! I'll have the funds wired immediately." Arthurs replied happily. He then turned off the TV, and made himself a drink.

"Here's to revenge!" he said, eyes shining. After his celebratory toast, he wired a significant chunk of his personal funds to the account indicated to him.

Two Days Later

"Mr. Arthurs, are you busy?" asked a female voice, via intercom.

"No Stacy, would you like to come in for a cup of coffee? I just made mocha lattes." he replied, hopefully.

"No thank you, Sir. I think you should check the news though. That lady you are always telling me about found $350,000 on her doorstep. And the Channel Ten News Live Crew is on the scene of a huge fire. I'm not sure where it is yet, but it looks a lot like the picture you showed me of your home..."

Cover image made in Canva using their gallery and my own original fractal artwork

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