A fire

"I'm about to die. I would like to put this subtly and act like there's some hope for me but I can't. I'll die soon and that's fine because It'll be death in the arms of a lover and what better way is there to say goodbye to this cruel planet than this?

I'm writing this to tell you a story, my story, about how I got trapped on this lonely island in the middle of nowhere and found love at a time when I never thought I could. I found peace, security and a reason to live or die in the heat of these arms.

I lost count of how many days I've been here, on my 1000th day, I gave in to the love that had been at my doorstep since the first day I got here and I let it consume me. Now as I draw my last breaths, I wish I had let this love take over me from the second my feet reached the shores of this deserted island.


Image source: Adonyi Gabor from Pexels

I don't remember a lot from my life before I got here, but I do remember how I got here. It had been a much-anticipated ship cruise to a vacation resort with my classmates. I never wanted to go because I never fit in with them. I never fit in anywhere.

We had gotten on the ship and set sail. I remember how nice it felt standing on the docks and taking in the cold air as the ship worked its way to the open sea. I felt at peace and I felt hopeful that this was a chance to be anyone but me. I wanted to be different just for those 7 days but I never got the chance.

At midnight, I was forced into a deep sleep and that's when the trolls decided to play a prank on me. I woke up the next morning and I was alone. There was no ship, just water all around and I was on a lifeboat with nothing but my backpack with my notes, a pen and a few bottles of water.

I'd like to believe that they never intended for me to disappear but I don't know. I lost all feelings of anger after a few days.

There was nowhere to go and honestly no need to paddle so I laid back and let the frequency of the tide take me to wherever it pleased and that's how I landed here.

The island is bare. There are no trees, just rocks and low hills, and if my 4-day hike around the entire island proved anything, it's the fact that the island is completely void of any humans. Just shrubs, rocks, more rocks and very angry sunlight.

Strange things began to happen the moment I arrived here. Although I was sure I was alone, I couldn't help but feel a presence around me, a safe presence.

During my first 10 days, a fire was lit for me by this being every night and some fish was provided by the ocean. I couldn't explain how it happened so I fought it. I screamed, quenched the fire and disposed of the fish. I felt the need to return to my real life so I didn't realise how much this solitude was a blessing.

My beloved and I went through this dance for what felt like an eternity until today when he finally let me have my way. For this reason, I know death is upon me.

I have been so starved of love that now that I receive it freely and without condition, I question it and fight it. Now it has abandoned me and I only wish I could have it one last time before my eyes close in cold death.

My eyes are growing weak and so is my grip on this pen, as I give in to this light from above, I can feel the heat of the fire I've ignored for so long and I feel grateful knowing that my lover came back to say goodbye"

"If she doesn't respond this last time, I'm afraid we're going to have to take her out of life support", said a man in white, "we can't hold on to her any longer and she doesn't seem to want to come out of this on her with our help".

"Doctor, wait," said my mom frantically, "I think I just saw her eyes move".

Like always, I didn't know what direction my story would take when I started writing but I like always, a direction forged itself somewhere in the middle and to a large extent, I'm content with this.

I sense a need to get better at descriptions with words and I'll be working on that with future prompts.

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