Cent/BTC Liquidity Pool Active

Hello everyone. Cent's 6th liquidity pool became active today. Today we created the Cent/Swap.Btc liquidity pool in Hive-Engine. When the CentG token was liquidated, the number of Cent liquidity pools decreased to four. We recently created the Cent/Bee liquidity pool. As of today, the number of liquidity pools has reached six again. We also activated liquidity provider rewards in the Cent/Btc liquidity pool. 1,000,000 Cent Tokens were added to the pool as a reward. We determined the reward distribution period as one year. More rewards will be added to the pool.
Swap.Btc is a cryptocurrency pegged to Bitcoin on Hive-Engine. You can deposit Bitcoin to your wallet using the Hive-Engine.com or Tribaldex.com interface. You can buy Bitcoin from the Hive/BTC market. Or you can exchange ETH, LTC, HIVE, SPS, etc. for Bitcoin using liquidity pools. You can get information about adding liquidity in the Cent/BTC liquidity pool here.

The current APR rate on the pool is crazy for now. I added approximately 100 Hive worth of liquidity so that transactions in the pool can begin and price stability can be achieved. When the transaction volume in the pool reaches a certain maturity and some liquidity is added by other users, I will withdraw the liquidity from the pool. Cent management will not earn LP rewards from Cent's liquidity pools. In the future, we will continue to create new liquidity pools as "Hive-Engine Transactions" become more efficient. We are considering expanding to different blockchains when the liquidity and transaction volume in the pools and Hive/Cent market reaches a certain level.

I would like to thank the entire community for the popularity of Cent's liquidity pools. However, there is one issue I want to emphasize; Our efforts to increase liquidity and transaction volume in the Hive/Cent market continue. We launched an event on this subject. I invite you to trade and act as a market maker in the Hive/Cent market. Thank you again for your support to the project. See you in new posts. Stay tuned.

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