How I made a pleated armless girl dress

Hello wonderful hivers and my fellow needle workers, hope you are all doing great today, it's #needlework Monday today, and I will be sharing with us how I made this simple and pretty girl dress.

I've had this white fabric with me fora long while, and didn't know what I could make with it, it has aa soft paper/nylon feel, and also very light, let's just say it's not a very durable kind of material.

I opted to make a very simple style that requires less manipulation with the fabric. It came out beautiful, even more than what I expected and the pretty girl fell in love with the dress immediately she set eye on it, that very moment was all the satisfaction I needed after making the dress.

So let's dive into the process then.

Materials/tools used

  • white fabric(I don't know it's exact name)
  • white lining
  • hard net
  • zipper
  • white thread
  • scissors
  • sewing machine


  • I cut out all my patterns, using a normal basic body block pattern for both front and back also, I replicated the pattern with my lining fabric

  • I also cut out a long strip which I will be using as a belt to hold the waist part firm
  • I joined all the upper bodice together, turning it with the lining fabric

  • I also cut out the down part of the of there dress, multiplying her waist measurement by three, since I will be pleating it to her exact waist measurement

  • next, I cut the inner lining for the down part of the dress in flare form

  • I pleated the hard net on the lining, this is to give the gown a fuller effect.

  • now, it's time to start pleating the down cut out fabric to the upper bodice, I used a kiss pleat

  • when I was done pleating, I turned the dress with the flare lining to give it a neater finishing

  • finally, I sewed and closed the dress up also attached a zipper at the back.

  • To enhance the dress a bit, I made a bow, you can find the process here and attached it to the dress.

The dress is ready for fitting,

And that's my little model rocking it beautifully.

Please note, all images used in this post are mine

Thank you for reading❤❤

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