Jesenje senke🍂Autumn shadows

Svakog dana po zidovima kuća posmatram senke drveća koje padaju na zidove i prirodno šaraju po kućama. Toliko sam bila fasciniran da sa odlučila danas jednu sliku da nacrtam baš tako.
Uživajte u procesu...

Every day, on the walls of the houses, I observe the shadows of the trees that fall on the walls and naturally make patterns on the houses. I was so fascinated that today I decided to draw a picture just like that.
Enjoy the process…


Nakon skice sam počela da bojim bojama svetlosti i senki....Plava, zelena, ljubičasta, žuta...

After the sketch, I started to paint with colors of light and shadows....Blue, green, purple, yellow...


Senke su padale i preko stabla drveta koje je već bilo u nekoliko boja. Sve je nekako izgledalo veselo, kao igranka...

Shadows also fell over the trunk of the tree, which was already in several colors. Everything somehow looked cheerful, like a dance...


Na zid je naslonjen stari bicikl...
Sve je izgledalo kao poezija...

An old bicycle is leaning against the wall...
Everything seemed like poetry...

Još nekoliko detalja do finiša...


Dragi Hajveri nadam se da ste uživali u igrama senki koje nam je donela jesen? Najlepše je kad podelite uživanje u igri sa nekim. Hvala na druženju!

Dear Hivery, I hope you enjoyed the shadow games that autumn brought us? The best thing is when you share the enjoyment of the game with someone. Thanks for hanging out!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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