The lost magical place - LMAC 75

Hello Hivians,

A really nice photo was provided to us in this LMAC round, which inspired me from the very first glance.
It was a lot of fun working on the collage. Because I knew exactly how it should look like. So I worked diligently to implemented what I've imagined.
But I totally forgot the time. And as always, the deadline was getting closer and closer.
It wasn't fun to finish the job. Because there was actually still a lot to do. :-/


As always, a little story first ... :-)

Once upon a time there was a dwarf family who lived in a magical forest that was hidden behind seven magical hills and seven magical lakes.
They lived happy lives there. Because everything they needed was given to them by Mother Nature.

One day a small group of humans found their way into the forest.
When the head of the dwarf family was told by the birds about it, he searched the forest for the humans and snuck up to them to watch them.
It has long been said among dwarves that humans should not be trusted.

One of the humans was currently speaking...
"Did I promise you too much? Haha ... Without my plane, I would never have found this beautiful place. But I hereby share my discovery with you, my friends. So let's get down to business ...

In the ongoing conversation, the dwarf learned why the humans came to the forest.
Apparently they were business people who worked in tourism solutions. They simply decided to turn the forest into a tourist area.
One even wanted to build a hotel in the forest. Fortunately, the others found this idea too expensive.

Since tourists are mostly active during the day and dwarfs are almost nocturnal, none of the overheard words worried the dwarf at the moment.

In fact, more and more people came to the forest from then on. Individual hikers, families, mountain bikers ...
It wasn't always easy for the dwarves. Because most of the humans made a lot of noise.
Worst of all, however, was the garbage that people left behind. Garbage was everywhere at some point. In the trees, in the bushes, on the forest floor and even in the birds' nests.

More and more often the dwarfs soon found dead animals lying on the forest floor. Mostly, these animals looked very sick.

To make matters worse, things on the dwarf house were broken every now and then. These had to be repaired so that it didn't rain in. The dwarfs looked for the material for this in the forest.
Once, when the roof broke in a storm, the dwarves looked for pine cones the next day. They needed this to make shingles for roofs. However, they did not find a single pine cone in the entire forest.
The dwarf mother remembered ... "Omg, recently school excursion groups were hiking around here. They took the pine cones with them to do handicrafts at school."

The dwarfs had no choice but to look for an alternative material for their roof.
The oldest of the dwarf boys found a bunch of empty beverage cans.
"Hey, that could work. Something liquid was once stored in it. So nothing liquid should be able to get through."
The dwarves agreed and went to work building a roof out of the beverage cans.

Again and again the dwarves couldn't find the materials they were accustomed to repair their house and so they also had to use garbage very often.

It was always the same suffering ... Either school excursion groups had collected everything useful, joggers or mountain bikers trampled and rolled everything down, or it stopped growing because it was suffocated by the garbage.

After a while the dwarfs got sick more and more often and found less and less to eat.
The head of the dwarf family then had to make a difficult decision ... They had to move somewhere else and leave their beloved forest behind.

They packed up their belongings and set off with thick tears in their eyes.


My collage

This is my contribution to the LMAC contest this week.


LMAC is a great community for artists of all skill levels. The name of the community is an abbreviation and stands for "Let's make a collage". Just take a look. Even if you think you are not an artist, LMAC will probably prove you wrong.

Current round: LMAC Contest Round 75.



My collage contains parts of multiple images. I took a few of them from Pixabay. The images there are free to use.
I also painted the door, the window and the stone stairs by hand in GIMP. Also I made the roof, the matches and the pen in Blender myself.

@shaka's template photo

The beautiful template photo for this LMAC round, provided and photographed by @shaka.


List of materials

The umbrella over the doorPixabay link
The metal plate to the leftPixabay link
The metal plate to the rightPixabay link
The roof I made in Blenderimage.png
The matches I made in Blenderimage.png
The pen I made in Blenderimage.png


The creation process in one GIF


Best regards

3 columns
2 columns
1 column