The Magic Word Sorry Can Spell The Difference

Everyone has been in scenarios whereby we feel that we have offended a person either verbally or physically. It just there is no how an offense wont come in as long as we have relationship with others maybe it was just a simple word to thought was a joke but it turns out t br an offense, it could be our actions. But the truth is that all this things I have stated can be scaled the the fact that it is very hard for people to say sorry regardless of whether they are right or wrong. I can remember when I was young my mom use to tell me that saying sorry won't take anything from us, it's doesn't necessarily means we were the one at fault, she told me when we say sorry first even when we're not the one at fault it doesn't means weakness but rather strength and wisdom.


But one thing a lot of people don't know is that there’s power in saying “sorry.” It displays respect, kindness and accountability from one person to another in instance of caring for another member. It can also involved revival of relationships or even mend trust and build an understanding between two parties. In todays world where values and morals has been lost, people don't really see the need for saying sorry, so a lot of good relationship has been lost just because one person couldn't see the need to be responsible for his or her actions and take the necessary step to fixing it. So we lost connection, trust and relationships.

If we are sorry that means we are no longer just admitting that we were wrong and caused the distress we also are showing that, we respect the other person’s feelings and that we value the relationship between each other. Acknowledging when we are wrong is not an easy thing to do, but it expands our character, and strengthens our relationships.

So next time you get into a situation where an apology is due then do not think twice about saying the magic word “sorry”. While it may sometime be awkward, a few well chosen words of remorse can indeed spell a difference.

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