A Green Space In My City

So, I came to see this contest a few days ago but I have been really busy to opt into the contest and do something but today, I decided to take the bull by its horn and do something amidst my busyness.

So the rule of the contest is, I have to find a post from the #cch community and promote it before we go ahead and do the contest. So scrolling through the #cch community, I came across @ipolatjeh1988 post where he talked about the camping student-organized by the education office and as expected from each school, 14 participants both male and female who are active participants in scouts are expected to attend and he is a teacher and as a teacher, he is expected to teach the children as scouts how to live independently with no one help.

A camping program which is to say for four days with vigorous activities and yet, the students are expected to live independently even in the wild, isn't that great? Of course, it is and I would very much love to experience such fun.

But while reading his post, Camping Club || student camping he made said and I quote;

Cohesiveness is very much needed in a team, that's why we always direct them to live in harmony, so a sense of cohesiveness will emerge by itself.

Indeed, without unity, which many of us lack, it is difficult to achieve things as a team wherever we find ourselves.

I am sure, we've heard the word, "No one is an island," so that automatically means, no matter how intelligent a man is, he can never win on his own, he will always need the help and togetherness of others who believe in the goal to win.

We all need to learn cohesiveness we win want to win in this world because no man can win on his own.


The picture above is called lover garden by all, it is an open place situated where anyone can go there either to take pictures, play football or host their event if they wish to have an open event.

While I was heading out yesterday, I passed through the place, and I decided to take a picture and cone share it with us in this contest.

You will always find people there any day or any time you are passing through that place and it is a very big field that is extended to the other side of the road.


I hope I obeyed the rules of this contest this time around.

Thank you for reading through my blog.

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