What Is Abundance?

Before I dive into the topic of the contest, I will be talking about @trucklife-family in his post where he talked about 2022 One Hell Of A Ride Already!.

At first, his post got me smiling, I mean his first few lines were funny but deep, then reading down, I saw something that caught my attention.

Here he wrote;

Right now it is important that we look after ourselves and one another. That we take the time to reach out to others and begin to create the things that we really need, to thrive.

There is nothing wrong with taking time for oneself, I know I certainly need to. But it is our connection to one another that will carry us through these times.

In as much as the media always want us to feel like we are alone in this struggle for survival, the truth is we are not alone, so it is time that we gather heads together and look out for each other because we don't know and can't tell what tomorrow holds for every one of us.

His post reminds me of my status a few days ago, where I wrote, we all are going through shit, everyone has got their challenges to face, just try as much as possible to look out for others even when you've got your demons to fight.

I am one who rarely posts and when I do, I am not just happy about the way some people think they ate the only ones going through a lot of shit, they think they are the only ones who have got demons to fight and would want to depress others because of their challenges.

Back to the question of the week which says;

What does ''Abundance'' mean to you? Why should we be abundant? What's the best thing about abundance? How is it related to your style of life? How that can change the world for the best? ...


Abundance means having so much to use and give out to others. Abundance means having double or in hundredth folds of what others have or do not have.

Right from creation, God has planned that every one of us whom He created in His own image should leave in abundance whether man or woman, as long as we were created by God, He expect everyone to live in abundance. Abundance may not mean just having money, it could mean having good health, good peace, and the rest, as long as it is in abundance.

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Right from creation, God blessed us and proclaimed every one of us to go out and live in abundance.


Ancansed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

The proclamation for us was a sign that indeed God needed an abundance to be

Corinthians 2:8

And God can bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

It is God's will for us to be abundant so we can enough to be able to reach out to those in need. The best thing about abundance is that it makes us not limited to only extending helping hands only to those close to us but to whomever we see in need.

When everyone sees reasons not to only have enough to meet their daily needs but should have enough stored for the future, poverty will be reduced. It can also change the world when we realize that having in abundance does not mean spending unnecessarily or having an extravagant life but having in abundance should give us a reason to save and live life comfortably. It should also help us to be able to better the lives of not just our family but the people we come across.

This Is My Entry For #Dcc #TagContest #Abundance.

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