DCC Tag Contest - Let's support #blog


We supported the following tags :

  • Community, blockchain, hive, governance, motivation, inspiration, love, life, freedom, truth , hope, peace, crypto, bitcoin, wealth, happiness, success, power, confidence, trust, faith, home, cch, hivenaija, abundance & abundancetribe, nature & ecotrain, story, education, philosophy, psychology, writing, politics, peace, money, economy, health, travel, content, curation, fun, humor, and business.

Let's support this week the tag :#blog

To participate in the contest write about #blog.

At the same time :

Find the best content in #blog and share that in the post, respecting the following rules :

  • Add a clickable title of the promoted post. (Please use hive.blog link)
  • Explain what you liked in the post. (Quote the part you liked)
  • Tag the author of the content.
  • Use the tag #dcc to be found.
  • Create the post in DCooperation hive community
  • Use #blog tag.
  • Don't promote other entries of the contest, but find a post to promote from #blog
  • Don't promote posts older than 7 days.

Usually new posts are good, especially those you think need some attention here : #game.


For more details, check : Collaborative curation.

The best curators of the tag will get :

  • 1 place, 20 DCC.
  • 2 place, 19 DCC.
  • 3 place, 18 DCC.
  • 4 place, 17 DCC.
  • 5 place, 16 DCC.
  • 6 place, 15 DCC.
  • 7 place, 14 DCC.
  • 8 place, 13 DCC.
  • 9 place, 12 DCC.
  • 10 place, 11 DCC.

As well, we have active curators holding the token, and they may reward you with more tokens, plus you may get good upvotes from them, including me who upvote with more than 30k hive power, from both accounts @dcooperation and @clixmoney. As well, we have now a good curation trail thanks to @starstrings01. You can follow it here if you want : DCooperation Curation Trail.

If you want to add more rewards for this contest, please let me know in the comments !

Entries we had the previous week :

@fragozar01 in this entry : Your Name on Web3. Where he promoted a project. That's suitable to Expositional collaboration !. Will get 5 DCC for that.

Other entries are about how to improve DCC :

@lightpen with this one : For a better DCC.

You have been doing a great job @clixmoney. For the past four months that I joined hive community, DCooperation community has been among the top communities whose promoter is so passionate about its progress. I personally understand what the situation in Russia might be in recent times that made you slow down the tempo. It is in my prayers that every challenge will come to an end sooner than expected.

Yeah, the situation in the country is strange I would say. We don't know what will happen next. I did my best during all the year to make DCC improve and to make hive members supported. We worked a lot to make those unnoticed authors be noticed. And I'm sure if we will keep pushing DCC price will grow even higher, and we will have more people in the community. And not knowing what will happen to me in the future, I'll do my best to distribute as many tokens as possible, so most tokens will be in the hands of hivers who will make this place even better.

It is also my happiness that people have started showing interest in DCC token.

Yeah, I'm also happy about that.

One of the major channels of achieving this is through the social media.

Yeah, that's a nice idea to make #dcc even more famous on the web.

I suggest we put in more energy in organising contests like I used to witness here before.

Yeah, we will keep the contest on, but I would ask from participants also to create contests for DCC. And if you need DCC to distribute let me know about that.

In any organised contest, interaction between participants should be mandatory as a prerequisite for curation.

You can also help me with that, so check the posts that are created in #dcc, check the comments there and let me know about those who commented those posts, so I can reward them by DCC. Or if you want to do such work, let me know, and I will send you a good amount of DCC and you will create reports about how you distributed them and I will send more. Let's say for such work you'll leave for yourself 30% of the tokens and 70% should be distributed.

Finally, we can discuss with more investors to invest in DCC.

I'm always open for discussions and most of our holders are. You can check the list of DCC holders here : https://hive-engine.rocks/tokens/dcc/richlist

@lightpen will get 100 DCC for that entry !

@ijohnsen with this entry : MOVING DCC FORWARD.

Really nice idea are shared there. But it's hard to do for me. Anyway we will continue doing what we did before. And maybe some new things I mentioned above.

@ijohnsen will get 50 DCC for that.

@attentionneeded with this entry : Collaboration on Hive.

DCooperation is one community that has helped push and circulates content on Hive through the idea of collaborations, that is, writing an article and collaborating with other authors using a quote or sentence on their own article. It can also be pictures and videos with the goal of promoting the community, the other authors/articles, the blockchain etc.

Thanks for the nice intro.

More contests and collaborations

That's what we need the most.

I'll send 25 DCC to @attentionneeded.


You can always promote someone in #dcc, and I'll check their content and support !

Let's make this initiative improve the curation in hive !

Join our : DCooperation Discord Server Here ! | DCC telegram group here !

Check the use case of DCC token here !

Buy some DCC here to support us !

I'll tag our most active members to participate in this contest : @olawalium, @gingerup, @merit.ahama, @foryoubtc09, @iykewatch12, @iskafan, @attentionneeded, @carlynn, @ijohnsen, @zyzymena, @mrenglish , @lightpen, @princessbusayo, @funshee, @amberkashif.

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