Nature Is Powerful : DCC Tag Contest


I was just wondering what to post and where to get natural photos to bring out or to post. Although, I have some that I took last week about nature but I do t love those ones and so, I decided to go to the major road where I saw under the bridge opened widely and I decided to go inside the bridge and indeed it was so beautiful inside.


The bridge seems opened under and look as if people has been fishing with the look of things.

I saw a boy under the bridge fishing and has caught three fishes. It was just as if I have hook and start with my fishing, but I only know how to use hook and bait but with the way people are fishing they are using net alongside with their boats.



This photo is just a piece of land good for farming and in it one can plant different items such a cassava, maize, plantains and many other plants.

It can in another way be use for the building of houses but to be sincere, agriculture is the only.way put here since it is the selling point of today's.


The land should be best for agriculture because we have different means of turning this land into money. We can turn it into fish farming, or poultry farming as the case may be.


This is the road alone the bridge and this part of it is a new lane.


Nature is awesome and manifests itself in flowers. I took this photo when I went out to see a friend. I saw that the surrounding looks beautiful just because of the flowers in it. Nature is indeed awesome and beautiful.


There is power in leaves. This leave I took the photograph is called water leaves and rich in the health. This is a vegetable and indeed the best for blood and to cure many forms of diseases. Do you k ow that the water can reduce the risk of having stoke. So, always eat this leaf as you can be 100% free from stroke

This is a lagoon in my area. This lagoon is where fishermen always Go to for fishing. Nature has given man all the best in life and in every human beings on earth.



These last photos are the photos I took some days back. I took the first one when the sun was setting bike the second one was taken in the noon.

In conclusion, nature is the best God has given to us all. This is as a result of the love God has for us.

I would love to take you to @jasper post

      He said in his post about nature;And this winter, different types of flowers are blooming in the nurseries of our country, such as rose, marigold, champa flower, belly flower, jatra flower, which we now find in nurseries Goes marigold.

He made the world of nature great and best. You can check out his post.

I'm happy to participate in this contest....

You can join me in the contest here

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