Hive Book Club Highlight #318


Welcome to Hive Book Club Highlight #318



Hey everyone! to kick off some more activity in the community, let's start out this week by this simple prompt!

What book introduced you to a culture different from your own, and what did you learn about that culture?

There's no minimum of words and feel free to tell us about it.

This isn't a contest but a weekly prompt that will happen every Monday 😊 as perhaps throughout the week you have finished reading a book and wanted to share a particular experience when you finished reading a book. Let us know if you make one! there might be some tip along the way 😊
Please don't forget to tag #Mondaybookprompt if you decided to participate

We're also active over #snaps. Check us out as we're going to #snapping even more. See y'all around 😊


Today we're highlighting some of these content that you might enjoy. Check them out & don't forget to engage.

Author: @viviehardika


Laut Bercerita is actually not the first book by Leila that I have read. When discussing favorite authors with my friends some time ago, the name Leila S Chudori was brought up as a writer whose books became best sellers. The conversation was interesting to me so I found out about Leila through one of my friends (who was not present at the discussion at that time) who really admired Leila's books. For an introduction, I borrowed her book entitled; Namaku Alam. The book is thick and it took me a while to read it. However, I already liked Bu Leila's storytelling style so I looked for her other books. I will review the book Namaku Alam after I read her other book; Pulang.

Author: @jessuses1381


Hello everybody, dear community lover of good stories... I hope you are doing very well today reader friends, this time I want to share with you my review of: Remote Control, written by Nnedi Okorafor. This story is set in a futuristic Ghana, a story filled with themes of power, identity and loneliness, the main story follows Sankofa, a young girl with mysterious and extremely dangerous abilities who wanders from town to town searching for something she has lost and trying to understand her place in the world. Although the plot has science fiction elements, the novel also feels like a fable, this I found very interesting.

Author: @fermentedphil


Unfortunately, Adjustment Day falls into the latter category. Along with Beautiful Me, I wonder what even went on in Palahniuk's mind. The latter, Beautiful Me was definitely just an idea that he could not develop into a good book, but Adjustment Day feels like a middle-aged man who struggles to find his place in an ever-changing society. It felt like I was the narrator in Fight Club stumbling upon Project Mayhem, but in this case, gender and racial politics took over in a strange absurd way.

Author: @katharsisdrill

As soon as you turn the first pages of this book you know that you are in the high fantasy genre. You are thrown in medias res, and have to cling to the sentences to understand what all those names and concepts mean. There are some very pictorial scenes of magical battle that fascinates and some rather quirky characters who amuses... but it is a bit of a mouthful.

Author: @altheana


That of the novel Firestarter (or Charlie in the French version that I read) written by Stephen King, a book that has left its mark on the supernatural thriller genre
It is a novel that was published in 1980 in the United States and in 1982 in France. It was also adapted for the cinema, a first time in 1984 and a second time, not long ago, in 2022 (with the actor Zac Efron, for fans of High School Musical).

Author: @janaveda


Almost twenty-five years ago, in a class on social theories, I heard something like: let's change everything so that everything stays the same; paraphrased from the only novel (published posthumously) by an Italian author of aristocratic origin: Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. That sentence has been engraved in my psyche. Since today when reviewing my notes from that time as a graduate student, I realized that I did not write them down. Nevertheless, I am surprised by the imprint of the Catopardian idea in me.

Author: @andreamtovar19

I honestly love this novel, at the beginning it makes me laugh a lot the way each protagonist adapts to their new tasks, in addition, the intrigues within the family will have them with eyes open at all times and all this leads to understand that the grandmother was right to bring them together. Another thing I liked is that the novel is not only focused on this romance, there is also the romance of Sophia's mom, which is very beautiful, and a number of inconveniences they have throughout the story, from robberies to murders, and who is the culprit of it all, who knows, the only thing I can say is that there is always a black sheep.

Author: @namiks


I took a little bit of a break from the comics over the last few days as I found myself spending such a large amount of time just getting so stupidly immersed into different stories and characters. As much as I had been enjoying them, I had to do other things. Though that didn't stop me from still researching up some new ones as I finished some others, or waited for new volumes from comics that are still running. While looking into the artist from Time Before Time, I let my eyeballs glide across his Instagram page as I rather enjoyed the art style and was curious as to what else he had worked on. His page detailed other comics, from him and from others. It led me to another comic called Rumble, published by Image Comics as well. At first I was a little hesitant to check it out. After all, I had been starting and dropping quite a few different comics as I searched for something new, and that was growing a little tiresome. I wouldn't say I'm a picky reader, especially in regards to general literature, but with comics also being a more visual form of media, I find I do tend to filter quite a lot of it out due to either the art style or the story which doesn't seem to hold my attention all that much. So, I read a bit of the first volume of Rumble and it didn't quite sit with me at first. Something felt off, but I decided I'd give it another go later on once I had taken that few days from reading.

What is Hive Book Club?

Hive Book Club is a community made by book lovers, for book lovers. A place where the chaotic minds of writers may punch away words from their keyboards as they share their writing adventures. Where passionate book collectors may rummage through their stacks of books to share and review their latest additions. Outside of our regular curation process, we may create contests for our community to participate in, and earn even more from their posts. If you have a certain theme for a future contest you would like to see, let us know! Be sure to check with us frequently on our various social media platforms to avoid missing out!

How Do We Choose The Highlighted Posts?

For those of you curious as to how you may have been chosen or would like to be chosen in the future in one of these compilations: we scan through the community and read the many posts that the community members write. We then select four or five posts that we believe meet certain criteria and are worthy of sharing with the rest of the community. We aim to keep these selections diverse in style, from writing skills or subject matter.

Hence, throughout the week, the moderators will check the community and manually handpick the posts. Some factors include the post subject, post quality, engagement, personal voice, and general effort. If we choose you, or you happen to stumble across these highlights, please do check out the other posts we feature, and contribute to their curation and engagement!


We also have a Discord server! Be sure to join it to stay up-to-date with the latest events, and communicate with our community! Hive Book Club Server

Hive Book Club is supported in the OCD Community Incubation Program. If you like what they do for the community, OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness! You can vote for @ocd-witness, with Hive Witnesses.

Join us today and discover the joy of being part of a vibrant book club community!

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