Confronting Our Addiction to the Circus

Our interconnected human family is in a real, direct fashion being transformed, displaced and even murdered by the geopolitical machinations of the Big Beast. The political theater of today, and its hyper-real manifestation is a refined model programmed by internationalist, globalist cliques which are literally guiding the evolution of humanity.

It is crucial we realize that whether we agree or disagree with the system the ultimate goal for the technocrats is the total transformation of human individuals beyond their "legacy beliefs" which drives people limit the total centralization of resources, wealth and political power. In real time, the human male is gradually disappearing and the latest science is split between seeing it as a good thing and prophesying the end of the world. Meanwhile, the majority of people gesticulates their rehearsed discontent while abandoning their dreams waiting for the apocalypse to be televised.

The abortive, negrophilic lifestyles in vogue...not only in the mainstream but as well as in alternative channels, drags us into the dark-energetic substrate that keeps the circus alive. We betray our dreams, each other and satisfy ourselves by seeing others fail.

The collective awareness is still oblivious to the connection between Big Brother and the people it pretends to represent.

"There is no contact between human beings that does not affect both of them." -Erich Fromm.

As we continue glued, obsessed and reacting to the Spectacle the more we internalized its Alchemical Procession. The purposeful manipulation rituals intend to guide the evolution of humanity behind the shadows conducted by a military, industrial consortium. They are redefining what it means to be human, while assimilating our humanity to power-up Big Data Demons.

We are openly aware of the Big Lie: the interconnected mafias and the anonymous power-monopolies that keep the scam going. We have simply shifted the conversation to hyper-real, symbolic battles which play out in the ideological playground i.e the corporate web. The programing, the entertainment and the Carnival of Conspiracy is a highly seductive mind-drug which keeps us addicted at a physiological, somatic and ideological level.

Our induction in this procession hinges on our underlying fear of life which obfuscates our creative potential to overcome the emotional, intellectual impact of the murderous procession of world events, political intrigue and social crisis.

How many likes, follows and subscribes until we save the world?

As I have contextualized in previous articles: the Big Conspiracy goes beyond left, right, communism and even capitalism. The whole of history has been replete with lies, disillusionment and our willingness to make compromises, to selectively forget and even make mental calculations to submit to this inhuman system. The voluntary participation in this system demands our sacrifice:

The internalization of the power-dynamic between the owners of society and people has cemented an inauthentic landscape into the collective conscious. Unconsciously, we are replicating the predatory mindset, enabling division and fracturing the human network by seriously entertaining ideology as actually real.

The IDEAL of freedom, humanity and spirituality has transmogrified to a commodity marketing itself as authentic; becoming another addiction selling us what we want to hear. Ultimately, the merchants of truth & spiritually are invertedly promoting the greatest sham which tells us that deep changes in personality can happen with little effort, concentration or meaningful resolve to self-realize.

The false liberation promised by conservatives, liberal and alternative counter-culture are delineated paths of false awakening which keep us spinning around in the hamster wheel of ideology.

The symbolic opposition, self-indulgent rebellion and the messianic martyrs do not stand in any meaningful opposition to the erosion of the Individual ; instead they are predictable obstacles inherent to the super-structure exploiting our greed, fear and limitations.

Whether we take the Right or the Left Approach it is up to the Individual to contextualize their own conclusions.jpg

Sourcing our personal life through the use of the senses, reason, intuition and pursue higher-ideals will lead us to realize full awareness of reality, unfolding the proverbial the Flower of Life. This is where life begins..

To begin walking this path we need to confront our addiction to the Spectacle, to the Carnival and stop betraying our dreams.

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