Dispelling the CORONA1984 By Embracing Our Humanity


The "government approved experts" are spreading a virus. A very deadly one. This virus, which I refer to as CORONA1984 is infecting people's brain with a necrotic agent. The viral belief that we must submit to government authorities in order for things be safe.

Language that obfuscates, deceives and misleads IS the tongue of this land; the land of the free. We intuitively recognize they are two sets of laws in this insane asylum. One is natural, universal-all encompassing and the other is written by clowns with matching costumes.

The men with the matching costumes tell us all sort of frightful things. They tell us our "rights are suspended" because of all the terrible things happening in this planet. It doesn't matter that they engineered the chaos we see all around us.

The purposeful language the "government approved experts" used is aimed to lower our defenses. Their words aim to beguile us into a sense of fear...in this realm of fear they prosper.


Evidence that contradicts the mainline pseudo-scientific narrative of world-wide pandemic, lock-downs and suspension of rights is breaking the dam of misinformation. If you are looking for that type of reportage please by all means begin here with our good friend Kenny.

Do you remember when these "crisis" events were a hum-drum background noise of modern life? As far as we can remember there is always been some war raging on television. The reality show unfolding before our eyes is more of the same old bag of tricks from the wannabe world-dictators.

The people behind the curtain understand that we love to chase after our own tail. Rarely do they miss an opportunity to remind us that there is unseen enemy. After all, we need "government approved experts" even more so during this alarming "crisis". These strong sounding words,: CORONA CRISIS PANDEMIC they all mean much more than we give them credit. The experts use this strong language to weave their mystifying spell on people. Despite its frequency of use these words still captivate our attention. With our limited attention in this digital age it's easy to forget that we've seen this pattern before. These fear-inducing words continue to be used because it reminds us ultimately that reality is out of our control.

We are afraid to face the uncertainty of life because it is out of our control. We are afraid of death. We are afraid of disease. Above all, we are afraid of our true selves and we will believe anything or in anyone as long as they keep us comfort. This is where the saboteurs enter into the picture, those perennial shysters who understand human psychology and seek to exploit it. These saboteurs of humanity wear different costumes, some have white robes and others have black ones. Ultimately, we let the clowns with matching costumes dictate our reality for us because they promise to keep us safe.

Our invitation to this big club got lost in the mail. What does it take to be part of the big club?

So you want to be a billionaire? Easy. Just come from a well-connected, eugenics-obsessed elitist insider family and steal, swindle and scam your way to the top. Getting rid of your billions in a way that benefits you and helps to depopulate the earth, however…now that’s the hard part. Join us today as we study the master of billionaire-fueled, eugenics-driven philanthropy of our times: Bill Gates.



Natural rights are universal to all. They can not be taken away by anyone, and they specially do not come from government. All governments claim they can guarantee our rights if we follow their law, their rule. The world-wide trend is the ever growing draconian laws that inhibit our natural tendency to be free, peaceful and collaborate with our fellow man. The framework of our oppression is being feverishly being created by Satan's little helpers. Ultimately, the spell they cast works only if we have FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING AS REAL in our hearts....so we must make a choice.



F R E E D O M & L O V E

On this beautiful new day, let us embrace the bountiful opportunities that come with embracing the unknown, the uncertain and the real spontaneous flow of life.


The narrative weaved by the authorities in this PLANDEMIC is beguiling people to turn away their very own nature. Stay indoors. Don't assemble. Do NOT resist. It is critical that we dispel these limitations imposed on us by the powers that shouldn't be. Let's bask in the sun with our brothers & sisters and cooperate towards a better tomorrow instead.

This crisis event is a spiritual test that will challenge our resolve, but ultimately we are asked to make a choice. Are we going to let psychopathic clowns dictate reality? Are we going to succumb to fear?

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I am here to make friends and create bountiful conspiracies.
I am here to manifest abundance
and connect with authentic individuals.

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