Learning to Enjoy Life is the Highest Art

Conditioned perspective is so prevalent in in our personal day-to-day experience that it evades our conscious awareness. To truthfully assess the quality of our life we must look within, and reclaim our power to create life. Learning to live is the highest art-form an individual can aspire to create. Recreating our personal story, our attitude toward life in our own unique way leads us to abundance, personal freedom and a deep sense of satisfaction.

Ideally, the ultimate objective in life is the development of implicit knowledge by engaging intimately with our local reality. Knowledge in itself without personal experimentation keeps us from discovering our individual power. To discover this power begins with pursuing the little things that inspire us; by exploring the world around us with an honest heart and a open mind.

Walking in nature feels like a deep meditation because it opens up the mind, challenges the physical body and expands my conscious awareness that everything is alive and interconnected. The conscious choice to listen in silence to the natural environment and focus on the journey unfolds the mysteries of existence in real time.

As my adventure with Cultivating Abundance continues I am inspired to share the lessons I have learned along the way.

One of my favorite hobbies is foraging for medicinal wild mushrooms and researching their many health benefits. Currently, my best finds are Reishi Mushrooms, Turkey Tail Mushrooms and Wood Ear mushrooms. The documented benefits are massive and frankly quite exciting!

Abundance in practice is the realization that nature is imbued with purpose, wisdom and reality reflects this lesson throughout the natural world by presenting us with a wide variety of medicinal, nutritional herbs. To wander out in nature beyond ideology, ego and to feel into this reality brings us closer to who we really are.

For example, the more I strained my focus to find medicinal mushrooms out in the woods the more I lost myself in retracing my steps. Surprisingly, sometimes the mushroom finds you when you least expect. This ineffable experience is the subtle confirmation of my direct connection with the universe!

Sometimes when we look for our true Self we can become lost in own personal thoughts, narratives and in our own shadow.

Looking towards the outcome without feeling the present moment conditions us to believe that the little things do not matter. Even Looking to leaders to teach us about ourselves, to help us from our inner-turmoil gradually assimilates us to a collectivized mentality devoid of individual meaning.

To create a purposeful, meaningful and beautiful life from which we can share our inner-light with the world is its own ultimate reward. However, to actualize this reality shift is a process of initiation that requires us to create a unique, self-stylized personality. Frustration, self-doubt and disappointment are also part of the puzzle...

When we least expect, when we are about to give up in frustration then that's when reality speaks to us. The challenge lies in practicing silence through the unbearable dark feelings. Choosing to feel the present moment allows us the psychic energy we need to create a beautiful life.
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