The Final Curtain Call {Your Top 3 Contest Decemeber 2020}

This year most certainly will win some awards for all that has happened, though perhaps more of the Razzie sort than an Oscar. Though I think we have all joked around about what a movie this year would make! With that in mind, the crew at @yourtop3 has chosen Academy Award Winning movies for the theme of the final contest. It all began with chats about favorite movies, so why not end it with that same element of fun and entertainment?

The Oscars have been around since the 1920's, so there is a wealth of excellent films to pick from for this theme. In going through the list I had a hard time just choosing three for my own entry. As usual, as a panel member my choices won't count for the contest, though I will forward the payout in to contribute to the prize pool.

As our dear mascot, Q, said in the contest announcement post, this month is a bit bitter along with the sweet. After over a year and a half of hosting this fun monthly challenge, 2021 will see a break of the official Top 3 contest. As much as we have so wholeheartedly enjoyed the journey, a break for other projects is needed at this time. I think I can speak for my fellow panel members in saying it has been a blast getting to know our contestants through their fantastic entries! It has been fun to shell out some prizes, but the depth of some of the stories that have come out in your entries has truly been a joy to read! I certainly had no idea how amazing some of the posts would turn out to be. Thank you all for contributing--whether you only joined for one month or the entire run!

Alright, my 30 seconds of sappiness is done, let's get back to business! Movies, yes, some excellent ones if I do say so myself. It really was a bit challenging to pick, but all of these were ones that sucked me in and I could watch multiple times. A bit of darkness in them all, but that has always fascinated me. My major in college was Psychology, so with that in mind some of these should be no surprise...

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This months topic is OSCAR WINNING MOVIES

My Nominations are:

Nomination Number One

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

My Reasons for the Nomination

I remember reading the book sometime in high school, and as many students were wont to do, also watched the film. I should say a lot of kids would prefer just to watch the movie, but I was (and continue to be) a book lover so didn't mind going into the movie knowing what was to come. I still have it in my collection 20+ years later I enjoyed it so much.


Once I started college, I began my major field of study in Psychology. The stories of how mental health has been treated (if you can call it that) over the years was always fascinating and partially frightening. This story sheds light on some of the ways the system failed in the past. Jack Nicholson was fantastic as McMurphy, though I always thought the Chief was my favorite character. Nurse Ratched was quite the villain in her own right, and it was interesting to see the character resurrected recently (if only as a whisper of the original) in the Netflix adaptation Ratched. I really like Sarah Paulson, especially in her many roles in American Horror Story, but I think Louise Fletcher will always be the epitome of the character for me.

Nomination Number Two

The Silence of the Lambs

My Reasons for the Nomination

Another one for my fellow psychology enthusiasts, Hannibal Lechter is one of the most interesting characters I have ever "met." Profiling has always fascinated me, and it was a field I had a fleeting thought to enter. Eventually I realized while I am intrigued by the dark side of human nature, I'm not well suited to live there. So I'll stick to the periphery as a voyeur, if you will.


Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster are spectacularly matched for both their individual roles, and to play off of each other. I did enjoy Red Dragon, as well, with Edward Norton equally engaging in his role in the series. I can watch this one over and over. And who hasn't joked around about putting the lotion in the basket or fava beans and a nice chianti on multiple occasions? Horror done exquisitely, in my humble opinion.

Nomination Number Three

The Departed

My Reasons for the Nomination

Back to my pal Jack for the last pick! Coincidentally I don't think I would pick Nicholson as a favorite actor, but he really has had such a fantastic career and played some iconic roles. This cast is stacked with the A-team all around. Crime, drama, power, rats--Scorsese had it all in this one. Some of the mob movies are hit or miss for me, but this was definitely a hit in my book. Some parts were possibly a bit over the top or somewhat predictable, but not so much so that it didn't keep me intriqued to find out how it was all going to wrap up. This is on my list of movies where if I see it on tv, I'll stop and watch it, no matter what part of the movie I land on. With a glass of cranberry juice in hand. ;)

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That's all folks! The last entry for me. A fun one to end off with, but I'm sure there will be some more good posts to enjoy before the 9th. We definitely hope you get a chance to join us for one last round here in 2020! Check out the entry post to hop on in with your own picks. Plenty of good ones on the table, it will be a nail-biting dpoll for sure!

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