Beer Tasting: Tektonik Ikonik and Lobik Svarun

Hello, beer lovers! 🍻 😎 🍻

How are you?
If you look at all these crypto charts around, there are some indications that the crypto scene is slowly moving back to where it was. There's still a long way to go but we'll keep an eye on it. With a beer in hand, of course :)

It's cold and quite windy here today, in our area, but luckily I'm in a warm and safe place with two bottles of beer to open for the 290th #beersaturday.

Both are from the better-known Slovenian craft breweries. I will approach them with all seriousness, without mercy, because only good beer deserves praise, and bad beer should go in the trash can.

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Tektonik Ikonik Pale Ale

Brewed by Tektonik Craft Brewery, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Bottled for Hofer chain (under the BergkΓΆnig). Bottle, 0.5 l, alcohol 4.8% ABV, IBU 26. Pale Ale - English.

What do the Master Brewers say?

Ikonik is a real summer favorite, but it's also suitable for the harsher days of winter. It is a rather unpretentious beer in all respects, with a light body and subtle flavors and aromas, it is just crying out for another ...
It is distinguished by its golden-yellow color, which comes from a blend of predominantly pale roasted malts. A few percentages of pale caramel malt and unmalted wheat ensure a pleasant viscosity. This is nicely balanced by a subtle bitterness. For this Pale Ale, which we have brewed following the example of English craft brewers, we have used Pale Ale and Caramel malted barley, as well as a few hops (Amarillo, Centennial, Citra), which express themselves in citrus and exotic fruit aromas, and there are also some nuances of floral scents.

That's promising!
I'm curious to see if I'll be able to feel and taste what the master brewers are providing ...

The beer is golden in color, pasteurized, and unfiltered. There is a rather little head, still quite big bubbles, but even that disappears quickly. It smells of hops.
The sip goes down the throat smoothly, and the bitterness of the hops dominates the palate, just right, there is also some malt sweetness, and caramel, citrus, and tropical fruit aromas are also present for a while.

In the aftertaste, however, everything disappears quickly, from the aromas to the bitterness, and makes you want to take another sip straight away.

Drinkable and tasty, correctly brewed, nothing particularly stands out or is missing. The good. I won't claim that it's distinctly superior, but compared to the standard industrial beers of the big producers it's far ahead.
As it's easily deliverable there will certainly be a bottle left in my fridge.

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Okay, I found something to remind us of the situation a year or so ago...

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Lobik Svarun Pale Ale

Brewed in Lobik Craft Brewery, RuΕ‘e, Slovenia.
Bottle, 0.5 l, alcohol 5.0% ABV, IBU 30. It's Pale Ale - English, hop-forward ale in a bottle and displays an English variety hop character.

What do the Master Brewers say?

This lightly bitter English-style ale is refreshing and easy to drink. Its flavors and aromas include hints of caramel, sweet fruit, and elderflower. It is brewed only with autochthonous Slovenian hops Styrian Gold and Styrian Wolf. It's the only beer that was made on the home brew system and still exists in regular production.

Nice. Similar to the previous one, I think, at least from the description.

Beer is clear golden in color, the head is solid and persistent. It smells of flowers. The first sip goes down the throat smoothly. First, a bitterness develops in the mouth, which dominates, immediately followed by aromas of fruit and elderflower, still quite pronounced but not annoying. Just the right balance. Maybe slightly, but really very slightly sour, which actually suits me. A mouthful of flowers and freshness.

In the aftertaste, the fruity aromas disappear and only the hop bitterness remains for a while.

This beer is also very drinkable and refreshing. Very balanced and tasty. Light years ahead of industrial beers. Although it's a Pale Ale - English, it's different from the previous one. I can't decide which is better, they are both very good.

Since it's available, I'm sure there will be a bottle in my fridge. I can offer both beers to anyone without shame.

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And what am I listening to as I write this? Something from my yesterday #newtunes post. One country girl swimming in rhythm'n'blues waters.

Margo Price - Been To The Mountain

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Axiom Queen Vaccine & Time 8 o'clock, Kult 316 and La Trappe Dubbel

More stories about beers? You can go back a little further in history! 😁

2017 🍻 2018 🍻 2019 🍻 2020 🍻 2021 🍻 2022

Stay healthy and enjoy your beer!


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And if you want to share your beer experience,
post your story to the Hive BeerSaturday challenge for fun.

BEER token is ready for you, too :)

Thanks, @detlev who started all this!

btw: There are two BEER Games in town:


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5% of the earnings of this post will go to beneficiaries of the community (@beerlover).

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