The Art of Living

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A pleasant day, my fellow readers and writers. Let me begin by introducing myself to each of you. My name is Ciara Faith Tabuco, and I’m 16 years old and turning 17 this coming September 24, a grade 11 student taking up Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) in Naga Senior High School. I am a passionate kind of person. I enjoy writing and reading various types of stories, both fiction and nonfiction, and I believe that reading different kinds of literature helps me enhance my writing skills and realize my full potential. It also enhances the way I think and influences my decision to choose a college course.

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Aside from reading and writing, my hobbies are cooking, and of course after cooking is eating. I also love to dance, playing Mobile Legends, rap songs, and singing, even though I’m not good at that. And my favorite hobby is taking pictures of myself and picking outfits for my photoshoots because I’ve been dreaming of being a supermodel.


I am the youngest daughter among the four marias, and I was raised by my very hardworking parents, who taught me to be this kind of person. They shared with me their experiences that made me realize how hard life is. That is why I am very grateful for every single blessing that comes with me, including challenges in life. I used to call it a blessing because it taught me lessons and guided me towards the path I’m taken on.


To my siblings, I am also grateful for having them, even though they are very hardheaded. They also taught me how to be an independent person and to be strong in every challenge that comes my way. They also taught me that acceptance is a step for growth, so we should take it as an opportunity to move forward. I also appreciate my family for always cheering me up on the stage that I think I couldn’t take.


These people are my escape when I'm feeling down or dealing with a personal issue that I don't want to open up with my family. These people are always there for me when I'm not with myself and feeling down. These people make me feel at home. These people also act as my armor whenever we go out for a simple celebration.


They also help me whenever I need someone to be with me; they also give me advice that helps me navigate the challenges that I encounter. I am truly blessed to have them because they never leave me and are constantly available to check on me if they suspect I am not well. These people are my safe place because with them I feel so secured, love, cared, and people that will never judge me.

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I’m not really in to sports, but I just want to share this wonderful experience in Touch Rugby sport. The story behind this journey is my sister, Kris Ann convinced me to join the club because their team is lack of players. So I joined Rugby touch football without being aware of the rules hahahaha so what the coach did is he let the alumni players to teach me how to catch the ball and also the rules in a short span of time, I think it’s just like 10 minutes or less hahhahha. I am very uncomfortable to play because I know it will make my skin burn and tan because of the sun and the most I am worried about is what if I get injured for the first time. But luckily we win, and named as a Champion. Participating in Rugby touch football taught me that the most enchanting sensation comes from putting in your all, regardless of the outcome. What truly matters is giving your best and putting up a strong fight.


Sunrises and sunsets are like a loving hug from Mother Nature, making me feel comforted and warmed, especially when sorrow weighs heavily on my mind. There is something wonderful about seeing the sky transition from darkness to light, or from brilliance to dusk. It's a soul-healing medicine, reminding me that beauty and peace can still be discovered in the middle of life's storms. The vibrant colors that decorate the sky during these moments provide me peace and positive thinking, as if nature has whispered words of comfort to my tired spirit. Each sunrise and sunset is a peaceful painting that reminds us that kindness and light exist all around us. Thus, I find comfort in the calm beauty of sunrise and sunset, knowing that these temporary moments of beauty can lift my spirits and relieve my sadness.


I decided to join HIVE because I believe it offers both financial opportunities and a chance to improve my writing skills and understanding. I see this platform will serve as my memory for every journey that I will share here and a source of inspiration for others through my journey. I am grateful to Ma'am @chimegipamus for introducing me to this platform and for teaching us/me to join this opportunity, as well as to Sir @intoy.bugoy for his support to this journey. I also want to express my thanks to the generous members of HIVE who contribute funds for delicious meals, welcome us warmly, and guide us through the platform's guidelines.

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