Warhammer 40k - Unit Review Wheel 9 - Imperial Agents, Callidus Assassin

Hello everyone! Zak Ludick here from Cape Town, South Africa and this is a Warhammer 40k - The Great Unit Review Wheel! post!

In this series, I will review one unit at a time, picking them randomly.

So let me spin the wheel and see what I get:

Imperial Agents - Callidus Assassin!

Awesome! I have an Imperial Assassin to review!

The Callidus Assassins are Agents from the Officio Assassinorum and are dispatched by the High Lord of Terra to complete missions. There are four Assassin Temples, the Callidus Temple being one of them.

They specialize in subterfuge, stealth and attacking their target at close range.

They often assume the identity of someone the target knows and often assume the identity of the target that they execute.


These Assassins are heavily modified humans and have a 7" Move, Toughness 4 (same as a Space Marine) and 4 Wounds, this is the same as a Space Marine Lieutenant.

They have a 4+ Invul to protect them from harm and that is in line with most army leaders' incul save.

Range Weapon

The Neural Shredder is a Torrent Weapon meaning that you do not need to roll to hit the enemy. It sprays a random number of shots against the target, you roll a D6 and that's how many hits you get.

You then roll to Wound with a S5 weapon with Anti-Infantry 2+ which means Infantry models get a Critical Wound on a 2+. This weapon also has Precision so you can choose to allocate these attacks to a Character should you wish.

AP -2 and D1 means that there is a good chance of scoring some minor damage to a Character or you could use this Shredder to reduce the amount of models in the target unit because melee is where the Callidus Assassin shines!

Melee Weapons

The Phase Sword and Poison Blades have Precision as well as Lethal Hits as well, meaning a roll of a 6 to HIT, will wound automatically.

5 Attacks, S5 with a massive AP -4 and 2 Damage each, this can quickly remove an enemy character from a unit.

Core Abilities

The Assassin is a single model with a lot of rules.

Deep Strike - Can be kept in Reserve and bring her in on turn 2 and onwards anywhere on the battlefield within 9" of an enemy.
Infiltrators - Instead of Deep Strike she can also be deployed in No Mans Land as long as you stay 9" from the enemy Deployment Zone.
Fights First - Always fights first.
Lone Operative - Unless the enemy is within 12", they cannot target the Callidus Assassin even if they could draw line of sight to the Assassin.

Reign of Confusion - You increase the cost of a Stratagem by 1CP for the rest of the battle. After the balance erratas were released, this ability can only be used on Battle Tactics.

There are different kinds of Stratagems and you can only use this ability on Battle Tactics.

Two things to remember here: One, the Callidus can only start nerfing a Stratagem once they have used it and Two, a Command Re-Roll is a Battle Tactic!

So that one will ALWAYS be useful to nerf!

Polymorphine - You can remove the Assassin from the board at the end of your opponent's turn if she's not locked in combat and put her back in Reserves and then in your turn, deep strike her wherever you want!

This Assassin is amazing and costs you 90pts to field. They can be used in any Imperial army.

Thank you for reading this post! I hope that you enjoyed it!

Warhammer Review Library

Adeptus Custodes

Blood Angels

Dark Angels

Death Guard


Leages of Votann


Thank you for reading!

** Images in this post are from the Warhammer app.

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