A Dynamic Curation #6

A Dynamic Curation #6




After finding that new users to Hive are randomly seeking out dynamichivers to follow, I had to rejoin @theterminal discord. @thekittygirl has been relentless with helping new users and their Hive retention since 2018 with The Terminal. In fact she is the reason I stopped curating the introduceyourself tag in 2018, as she was doing a 1000x better job. In 2018, @dynamicsteemians was trolling the introduceyourself tag. I was trying to build a community while helping new users in the process. My aim was to create a curation trail of small stake users to help our content earn while learning how to make better content in the process. We were teaching new users about steem while also helping some eat in Africa even. That is a really long winded story but many who joined our curation trail went awol when the price of steem dropped fast thanks to @ned. It did not help that I myself left the blockchain for a year and a half too.

Anyways, @dynamicsteemians is still around thankfully. I have been trying to figure out how to use the curation trail properly in regards to curation, while still growing the people's accounts that follow it in hopes that they may one day become active again. I think I found myself coming full circle to my roots on the blockchain in regards to helping new users by aligning with The Terminal.

The posts featured here are posts I found in the Terminal's discord post promotion areas and as well as from what others were sharing with me there.



Hey! Have Ya Met...? Introductions for Tuesday January 4, 2022

Hey! Have Ya Met? Is a great initiative intended to bring attention and love to new users on Hive! I feel this is a very important endeavor for Hive and our new people that are joining Hive!

Often we get stuck in a rut and tend to only look at what is in our feed; this causes us to miss some amazing posts. What's even worse, we miss those introduction posts of new people who are just not being seen. We decided, because we have felt the same frustration with our introduction, we are going to introduce the people we thought were deserving of your attention. Our plan is for this to be a daily project, as daily as we can possibly do. However, with us visiting every REAL introduction post and commenting with a short personal message and link to our welcome post we run extremely low on Resource Credits. Please keep watching our posts and see who's out there when we can post a "Have Ya Met...?".



Why be jobless

After seeing who my new follower was the other day I saw a brand new user to Hive! This person made me realize that my curation posts are reaching more people than expected and to new users nonetheless. The feelings of responsibility that I instantly had over come me was immense and indescribable. I knew what I had to do, I had to contact @thekittygirl for assistance in welcoming her to Hive. After I encountered this person I knew it was my responsibility to do more for new users. Please help me greeting this person new to Hive by visiting this post, as she needs a lot of help and guidance still with Hive.

How many people do you meet who choose to be jobless? And when you meet that one in a million, do you envy them or think they're weird? Do you work for money or work for time? Is time our most precious assist?



Ramblings: What is HiveLive?

There is a new great tool called Hivelive! You can visit @bambukah's post here on it to find out more or watch this video featured from Sir bonehead like I did! Really easy to follow this video's instructions are on how to utilize HiveLive! I have been seeing @unklebonehead around for quite sometime now and glad this is the post I finally visited him on! Thanks @bambukah for letting me know about it in the Terminal discord! I watched it and created my donation link for my end of post spam on this post too! Also later in this post, you will see how amazing of a person @bambukah is when it comes to helping others!

HiveLive is an awesome tool for streamers. Whether you are streaming on VimmTV YouTube or even Twitch!It works just as simply as any other streaming tool and even gives you a donation page you can share in the description.



Why Our Creativity Matters

This person's writing skills are amazing! It was a very delightful and positive post that flow so beautifully. @lizablove describes her vision for the new world and how creativity will drive positive change in it. She gives her observations and insights on what they are seeing already forming in this New World!

I have a dream…Creativity is the name of the game in the New World we are building together. Not only do we currently have at our fingertips new ways of creating that support us as creators (as in worldwide decentralized earning platforms like Hive, trading cryptocurrencies, DeFi, digital art in NFT’s, or Music on the Blockchain), we are also creating new ways of coming together in community to share our inspirations, support what we believe in, and grow into our potential.



My life has been a blessed one (and a relevant post from several years ago)

This is person who has their own music room in the Terminal discord server, Jerry on Demand, is someone I still need to get acquainted with. I am still new to the Terminal discord server but this post from Jerry is a great starting point I feel in getting to know him better. He provides a nice warm hearted poem about his views on life in general that lends some simple advice to those who take time to visit his post featured here.

So much in life escapes us. We do not, Nor cannot understand why Things happen. If I have learned anything in my short time circling Our star, It is that there is no need to lament ‘things that happen’.



Thankful And Level-headed ¦¦ Ladies of Hive Community Contest #64

This was one of the more personal posts I curated today! Lady Titan opens up to us on Hive about her struggles life has presented to her and her family in this post answering the Ladies of Hive, weekly question asking, What are you most grateful for right now?

I was very happy and thankful to God for the gift of life and seeing a new year. I reminisced to all that my family went through in year 2021 and in answer to this question, I am most grateful for my family.



Ladies Of Hive Community Contest #64: RESTORATION!!!

Want to know the power of how community can offset the evil actions of the few that scam and cause trouble? This post shows how amazing the Terminal community is and how @thekittygirl is relentless in her quest to always help people! I had goosebumps reading this whole post all the way through! @queenstarr made a rookie mistake as a new Hive community member but she did one thing right and that was to call Kitty! By visiting this post featured here, you will learn what not to do with your Hive passwords and who to call for help when such troubles arise from an honest mistake made while using the wrong password in the wrong location on Hive!

Fun Fact: Did you know that Wealth is People, and, the quality of a man's wealth is the abundance of credible people he has around him? -@queenstarr




The Terminal Discord

The primary goal of TheTerminal is to answer questions about Hive/Steem, blockchain, cryptocurrency, and Discord. We aim to help folks learn, grow, and find communities where they can thrive. We are like a travel terminal for destinations on the blockchain!


Pimp Your Post Thursday's at 12pm EST

What can I say about Shadowspub other than she is the best host on HIVE with the most influence. Shadow only loves to support other people and their hard work. She does a great job hosting this show called, Pimp Your Post Thursdays. I encourage you visit us weekly there at @dreemsteem's discord and share your post or other people's ( or bots why not?) posts every Thursday at 12pm Eastern Standard Time!

The purpose of PYPT is to build community, give people opportunity to share posts with their peers and to get to know each other on voice and in text. Anyone who creates content is welcome to participate.



Hive SBI: Social Experiment to provide every Hiver with Stake Based Income help us change the world

@josephsavage has an amazing program called HSBI aka @steembasicincome. Please check it out! I highly recommend! I have around 5000 shares as a member with his Amazing program that will add support to my curation posts on HIVE! He is my most trusted friend on HIVE!

HSBI discord


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Who does not love NFTs?

Do you love art and want to get you some NFTs or mint them? Do not be afraid to use my referral link for @nftshowroom or just travel directly to their site!


Did you know that @hivebuzz has a shop on that sells HIVE Merchandise!?

HIVEBUZZ's Shop for Hive apparel!


Sure, I will take your token donations. Why not?


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