Winters of Yore 006/006 + Challenge

Snow drifts as I face east. The foggy sky diffuses and supports the trees in such a way that this feels like an action shot to me.

Facing east/northeast, my daughters’ playhouse can be seen just towards the bottom. Typically I like to frame most of my images in a manner that creates the emotional solace that can only be found in solitude, but occasionally I break out for whatever reason. In this case, I enjoyed the contrast in height between trees, and couldn’t showcase it without bringing in this human element.

Not-So-Challenging Challenge:
I will delegate 1 Hive for 1 year to the first person who finds the AZL logo in the above image. (Specifics below)

This image is hard to speak on, I absolutely love it. This was taken while I was driving. I was going through a new area and saw this stone facade in the snow. I slowed down, positioned my phone against the window, and took as many shots as I could as I passed by, keeping the one that beat captured the essence of the surrounding landscape. I’m no professional, as my story would clearly tell, but I love capturing the raw beauty that surrounds me. There is so much to be grateful for, and this earth that sustains us is as special to me as the air I breathe and each breath I take in full awareness.

Thanks for checking out some more of my photos, as always, I hope you enjoyed seeing them as much as I enjoyed taking and sharing them!

Specifics of the challenge:

  1. circle the logo and post it at Magick
  2. add the hashtag #findingalbus
  3. and the title matching the post it came from (in this case, AZL Clouds 008/020)
  4. mention me with an @albuslucimus in the text of your post. I just don’t want to accidentally overlook any posts.


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