

Hello everyone

The Rising Star music store is becoming one of the largest on the HIVE platform and probably the most active in terms of new entries, there are new releases every week. Furthermore, you can easily sell your music since each uploaded song is also a unique card that will help players climb the game's ranking and allows the song to be downloaded in .mp3 format. If you are a musician and have a HIVE account you should consider this option that facilitates sales and is also a showcase within the HIVE and Risisng Star community.


Uploading your songs is very simple, in the main menu of the game you will find the option "Musicians - Add Your Music", when you click on it will show you the instructions to upload your songs. You will have to have two .mp3s prepared, one with the complete song and another with a previous listen of about 30-50 seconds. It will also be necessary to send the cover of the song to be able to adapt it to the style of the game, for which you have 12 different colors of "vinyl" to choose from.


Creating 25 NFTs costs 120,000 STARBITS of which 100,000 go to the bet pool, which allows the rest of the players to earn STARBITS by staking on each disc that is for sale, an added option that makes it even more interesting and attractive to the users.



You can set the price you want in STARBITS, STARPRO and other tokens that will appear in the menu. Both to put them on sale and to buy them, you can use the game's Marketplace and/or the NFTs buying and selling page NFTMart


Once you have followed the instructions, your song will appear in the RECORDS section of the game's card collection, where players will be able to listen to the previous one that we sent at the time and buy the song. Once purchased, it can be listened to in its entirety and downloaded. If you have sold or given away all the units that you put up for sale, since you can also give them away or use them in "giveaways" to help you with the promotion, you can add more simply by sending more STARBITS, this time without having to send the files and remember that Every 25 NFTs are 120,000 STARBITS.


To send the files you must access the Rising Star Discord and access the general chat or the support section where you can request to sell your tracks, the STARBITS You must send them to the @risingstarangels account. Feel free to ask any questions on Discord or right here in the comments.

Here I also leave you my latest uploads that you can find for sale in the game:


I hope to buy yours very soon!!!! 😜



Hola a todos

la tienda de música de Rising Star se está convirtiendo en una de las más grandes de la plataforma HIVE y probablemente la más activa en cuanto a nuevas entradas, todas las semanas hay novedades. Además es fácil vender tus temas ya que cada canción subida es también una carta única que ayudará a los jugadores a subir en el ranking del juego y permite descargar la canción en formato .mp3. Si eres músico y tienes una cuenta en HIVE deberías valorar esta opción que te facilita las ventas y además es un escaparate dentro de la comunidad HIVE y Risisng Star.


Subir tus canciones es muy sencillo, en el menú principal del juego encontrarás la opción "Musicians - Add Your Music", al hacer click os mostrará las instrucciones para subir vuestras canciones. Tendréis que tener preparados dos .mp3, uno con la canción completa y otro con una escucha previa de unos 30-50 segundos. También será necesario enviar la carátula o portada de la canción para poder adaptarla al estilo del juego, para lo cual tenéis 12 colores diferentes de "vinilo" a elegir.


Crear 25 NFTs cuesta 120.000 STARBITS de los cuales 100.000 van al pool de stake, lo que permite al resto de jugadores ganar STARBITS haciendo stake sobre cada disco que este a la venta, una opción añadida que lo hace aún más interesante y atractivo para el resto de jugadores.



Puedes poner el precio que quieras en STARBITS, STARPRO y otros tokens que apareceran en el menú. Tanto para ponerlos a la venta como para comprarlos se puede utilizar el marketplace del juego y/o la página de compra-venta de NFTs NFTMart


Una vez hayas seguido las instrucciones tu canción aparecerá en el apartado RECORDS de la colección de cartas del juego, donde los jugadores podrán escuchar el previo que enviamos en su momento y comprar la canción. Una vez comprada podrá ser escuchada en su totalidad y descargada. Si has vendido o regalado todas la unidades que pusiste en venta, ya que también las puedes regalar o usar en "giveaways" para ayudarte con la promoción, puedes añadir más simplemente enviando más STARBITS, esta vez sin necesidad de enviar los archivos y recuerda que cada 25 NFTs son 120.000 STARBITS.


para realizar el envio de los archivos debes acceder al Discord de Rising Star y acceder al chat general o al apartado de soporte donde podrás solicitar poner a la venta tus canciones, los STARBITS deberás enviarlos a la cuenta @risingstarangels. No dudes en preguntar cualquier cosa en Discord o aquí mismo en los comentarios.

Estas son mis últimas subidas que podéis encontrar a la venta en el juego:


Espero poder comprar las vuestras muy pronto!!!! 😜


AI Poem about this post

In the realm of music, where dreams are born,
Rising Star beckons, a platform adorned.
A tale of selling music, both true and grand,
Where artists find solace, across the land.

With NFT's magic, a digital key,
Unlocking the path to creativity.
A symphony of voices, melodies untold,
In this virtual world, a story unfolds.

How to sell your music, the questions arise,
A guide in two languages, a helpful surprise.
From English to Spanish, the message rings clear,
Opportunities abundant, for all to adhere.

The essence captured, in words and in rhyme,
A journey of passion, through space and time.
Selling your music, a chance to be seen,
On Rising Star's stage, where talent convenes.

But amidst the guidance, a GIF appears,
A longing, a yearning, to quell all fears.
"I miss you too," it whispers, a token of love,
A reminder to cherish, the gifts from above.

For music is more than just notes on a page,
It's a language of emotions, a bridge to engage.
Rising Star embraces, the power it holds,
Connecting hearts and souls, as stories unfold.

So take this advice, both practical and true,
Sell your music with passion, let it shine through.
Embrace the NFT's, the digital realm,
And watch as your music, takes the helm.

For Rising Star awaits, a stage for your song,
A platform for dreams, where you can belong.
Capture the essence, the themes of this post,
And let your music soar, like a cherished host.

Find @stickupboys on HIVE

You should visit them to listen their awesome music and enjoy their funny GIFs!


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