Covid Illusion Crumbling: ‘Permanent Pandemic’ & The Endless War on Corona

The Covid illusion continues to rapidly crumble, as contradicting official narratives become more and more at odds with one another, leaving all those who would attempt to buy into the propaganda in a huge mess of confusion, pretending they know what they’re talking about because they listen to the experts. I have to say I had fun easily pointing out the absurdity of it all in this latest video of mine...

As the establishment doubles down on the push for universal vaccination as the only sure way to defeat this ‘virus’ and get out of this ‘pandemic’ and back to a life of normality, the very same establishment is openly telling us the ‘pandemic’ is here to stay, and things will never be going back to normal.

Joe Biden just promised in his first presidential press conference that if we all do our part, and work together, and get vaccinated as soon as we’re eligible, and keep wearing masks and complying with all the other measures, then we will be celebrating our independence from the ‘pandemic’ on July 4, while simultaneously the ‘experts’ continue to make it clear that the so-called vaccines can’t keep up with all the new so-called variants and mutations that Covid will be with us forever. Since the ‘vaccines’ don’t offer immunity or stop the spread, it’s an uphill battle that will never truly be won, so they say, while they simultaneously say vaccines are the only solution, the ‘final solution’, and the ticket back to normality.

Bill Gates recently promised normality would return in 2022, Biden says vaccination is our ticket to going back to normal, and Trump promised the vaccines would “vanquish the virus.” But according to the ‘experts’ we are supposed to be listening to, they are all full of crap, and the new normal is here to stay, who would have ever imagined that....

A Forbes piece published on March 23 highlights this reality, entitled: “We Should Be Planning For a Permanent Pandemic.” Keeping with the ‘war on Covid’ theme, it paints the vaccination campaign as an ‘arms race’, the ‘virus’ as the ‘enemy’, and says that although we may win a battle or two against the ‘virus’, we’ll never win the war. Sounds a lot like another ‘war’ the government waged that’s been going on for two decades, the ‘war on terror’. The good news is, get this, they say ‘Covid19’ is a “mild pandemic” in the historical context, leaving one to wonder why all the lockdowns and fear and insanity over a “mild” ‘pandemic’. The main takeaway: Although we may gain the upper hand against this new invisible enemy, there will be no going back to the old normal, even if we were to truly defeat it in all its entirety, as it’s far too late for that.

On and off lockdowns declared at the whim of the medical establishment, permanent universal masking, continued PCR testing, vaccine passports required for travel, and more and more human jobs replaced by AI is what we get to look forward to on the path ahead, if these psychopaths aren’t stopped, and that’s only what they’re openly admitting in the two pieces I covered on this specific subject.

Of course none of this should come as any surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention over the past year, they’ve been programming us to accept this tyrannical technocratic ‘new normal’ from Day 1, while simultaneously promising us their ‘solutions’ would eventually free us from this manufactured pandemic that never was. Like the ‘war on terror’ that it truly is but an extension of, this ‘war on Covid19’ was never going to end, regardless of whether the so-called ‘virus’ was ever eradicated or not. Governments do not tend to willingly relinquish power they have usurped during declared emergencies, and this is no exception. If not Covid, it will just be the flu, or some new ‘virus’, but they never had any intention of letting go of this new biosecurity state this plandemic gifted them That option was never on the table, never in the cards, only the illusion sold to the sleeping masses long enough to bind them in their new chains, build their new prison, the Covid1984 ‘new normal’ that’s here to stay, and only just in its infancy at that.

It’s a “Brave New World,” they openly admit, but it won’t be dystopian, they assure us. Just trust them, because look where trusting them has gotten people so far over the past year since this madness was kicked off... Shattering the illusion, this Bloomberg piece is doing, but then again, these days it’s difficult for any establishment media mouthpiece to open its mouth without contributing to the shattering of the illusion. They have become entangled by their own wicked web of deception they have weaved, and only the blind can’t see the illusion, slowly crumbling, its days numbered as the truth begins to shine through.

Bloomberg, “We Must Start Planning for a Permanent Pandemic”:

WSJ, “Cold Reality Dawns: Covid-19 Is Likely Here to Stay”:

Masks Forever: @jasonliberty/are-you-willing-to-wear-a-mask-for-the-rest-of-your-life-masks-are-here-to-stay-experts-say

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