Some words about Romashka


I'm not going to complain. Life is what it is. And having brought a pet to the house, we all understand that sooner or later the moment of parting will come.

Romashka appeared in my house about six years ago. Time flies so fast and so many dogs that I could be wrong whether it was a year earlier or a year later. She was seriously ill and very exhausted. Even then, after the operation, the vet told me that it was not possible to completely remove the tumor and we do not have much time.

However, everything turned out not to be so bad. Romashka felt good. But two years ago, metastases were detected in the lungs. It was expected, but it was still a shock. Nevertheless, the Universe gave us two more years of life together.

Now Romashka's condition has deteriorated sharply. A new tumor appeared and signs that metastases began to spread to other organs. Today the vet examined it and said that all that can be done is to prescribe cannabis. Now there are no signs that she is in pain, but you have to understand that everything can change. And the only thing we can help is to prevent this moment for as long as we can.

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