Sticker Art #011, Life, Montreal

Here is a new series of stickers and for this post it was done by Life who seems to be a friend Urban Ninja. Because we often find their works side by side in the streets and on their Instagram accounts. Life paste on the street furniture his colorful eye-flower.

Voici une nouvelle série de stickers et cette fois faite par Life qui semble être un ami Urban Ninja. Car on retrouve souvent leurs œuvres côte à côte sur leurs comptes Instagram. Life colle sur le mobilier urbain sa fleur-oeil.



🤖Who :Life
🌎Where :On Graffiti Alley, corner with Des Pins Avenue, Montreal. Google Maps
⏱️When :2021


Not much information about the artist behind Life. But he often makes collaborations with Urban Ninja (as I said in the introduction) or with Kyara Cabrera Fong aka Kode as you can see below with the flying saucer and the cow.

Peu d'information sur l'artiste qui se cache derrière Life. Mais il fait souvent des collaborations avec Urban Ninja (comme je l'ai dit en introduction) ou alors avec Kyara Cabrera Fong aka Kode comme on peut le voir ci-dessous.


Top Kode and below Life

Collaboration with Kode and Life on a a space expedition.


But what allowed me to notice this artist, it's this gutter transformed into a totem to the glory of stickers.

Mais ce qui m'a permis de remarquer cet artiste, c'est cette gouttière transformée en totem à la gloire des stickers :


A zoom below to see them better and discover the artist. I love the stickers because it's easy to find the artists, their Instagram is often written on it. 😀

Un zoom ci-dessous pour mieux les voir. J'aime les stickers car il est facile de retrouver les artistes leur Instagram est souvent écrit dessus. 😀


From top to bottom, Tips, James Flux, Average,Bruho,Urban Ninja

From top to bottom, Yotz, Feelings Boi, Life, Nikky Bakes, Homoave


My Previous Posts about Street Art


#010, Urban Ninja, Montreal
#009, Irwin & Zola, Montreal
#008, Futur Lasor..., Montreal
#007, ROC514, Montreal
#006, Cess Pool, Montreal

Have a great week and open your eyes to discover these treasures. Feel free to post them in this great community Sticker Art.

Passez une bonne semaine et ouvrez les yeux pour découvrir ces petits trésors. N'hésitez pas à les poster dans cette excellente communauté Sticker Art.

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