How Did I End Up in the Hive Community and What Am I Doing?


I have always been intrigued by the idea of blogging and wanted to try it out but didn’t know what to do or how to start. I thought to myself, look at all those creative people out there writing and posting content effortlessly. I can never be as good as them. But come to think of it, I do love photography and have loads of little stories to tell and ideas popping out of my brain. Maybe I can share these ideas, experiences and thoughts instead of keeping them to myself, some sort of hobby or therapy for my anxiety perhaps? Who knows, maybe there are people out there like me who can relate to this who would be interested in what I have to share.
With the bits of info which I got from my cousin about the Hive community and very little to no understanding of the terminologies involved, I dove right in. Yay! Finally, I gave blogging a crack. So, he then starts off with a few links to tutorials and explanations which I must admit I did struggle a bit to understand – slow learner alert? 😉. You need patience with this one. He gave me a brief rundown and summary of what Hive is and that proved to be a bit challenging. I knew nothing and struggled to understand. And being clueless as to what and how things work, unsurprisingly, I bombarded him with loads of random questions from the signing up part to the actual posting of an actual blog – something I’ve never ever done before, err daunting! And boy! You have no idea how dumb I felt. Asking those questions probably tested my cousin’s patience; sorry cuz, I applaud your patience. You’re awesome!
It’s always good to learn new things especially if you’ve come to a point in your life when you need constant stimulation and a release from the constant stressors of adult life. So really doing something like a blog felt like an achievement to me. And so, I set up my account, went through the process and followed the trail, constantly making a mistake.
With my cousin’s help, I finally did my first tryout post. Yes, the first post you can see there in my page is what I dubbed, a “tryout post” in Freewriters community. And of course, I made a blunder. I ended up doing a repeat post of the same content somewhere as first pointed out by @wittyzell - apologetic me says sorry. I did panic when I realized there’s no delete button for posts and I can’t erase what I have done. So, if anyone out there has a detailed idea on what to do when you commit a mistake and errors on a post, please enlighten me.
By the way, thank you to the friendly welcoming community of Hive, @brittandjosie @wittyzell @jacobtothe @jamerussell @heyhaveyamet – you guys have been so helpful and beautiful, thank you!
Getting started with blogging is not easy especially for someone like me who knows nothing. Really, even as I am posting this, I am constantly worrying whether I am doing the right thing or whether this would even be worth considered a post worth reading. So here I am again overthinking. I suppose I should do loads more reading, good luck me. I have loads of questions still, terminologies which I completely do not yet understand but I am banking on the fact that I feel this community is full of helpful and talented content creators who will guide me. I will make constant mistakes along the way but I guess that’s part of the learning process. I came to Hive and started blogging because it is a form of therapy and escape for me, a self-expression and I want to connect with other people especially those who share the same interests as me. And hey! It’s great to find out that this platform rewards creativity so what more could you want? So again, thank you everyone for the warm welcome and support.
And oh! Before I forget, am I required to do a formal #introduceyourself post or have I already done that?
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