Into The Depths - Part 3 (Novella)

Here is an ongoing story I have been writing for the last month or so. Currently, we're on the sixth chapter.

It started before November and was enjoying the story and characters, so decided to try and complete it as part of NaNoWriMo, but, here we are in December and I'm still working on it.

Currently, I have a feeling the Eighth chapter will be the final one, however, it could go on a bit longer than that.

A Night In The Western Wastes

Chapter 1

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 1

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 2

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 3

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 4

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 5

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 6

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 7


Chapter 2

Sin - Part 1

Sin - Part 2

Sin - Part 3

Sin - Part 4

Sin - Part 5

Sin - Part 6

Lost For Words

Chapter 3

Lost For Words - Part 1

Lost For Words - Part 2

Lost For Words - Part 3

Lost For Words - Part 4

Lost For Words - Part 5

Lost For Words - Part 6

Revolutionary Type

Chapter 4

Revolutionary Type - Part 1

Revolutionary Type - Part 2

Revolutionary Type - Part 3

Revolutionary Type - Part 4

Revolutionary Type - Part 5

Revolutionary Type - Part 6

Dome Locked

Chapter 5

Dome Locked - Part 1

Dome Locked - Part 2

Dome Locked - Part 3

Dome Locked - Part 4

Into The Depth's

Chapter 6

Into The Depths - Part 1

Into The Depths - Part 2


       M'Trada was lost in his own head. Deep in the furthest recesses of his mind, he wondered about what he should do. He didn't have a choice in the matter. Crovin wanted him to pick some stuff up, and he knew the price of not delivering to people like him. M'Trada was left cursing the day that he decided to borrow money from the Alid. He also cursed the fact that he trusted someone to deliver, based on nothing more than their word. Shoni. The idiot. He'd been captured, or locked up as a result of the games he played, now left with no way of making back the money he was stuck indebted to that pencil necked creep. There wasn't an ounce of care or thought given to the Doshan, Shoni, the real thing that annoyed him in the whole situation was the fact that along with him going missing, the money went too, and most importantly, the Gank. He could have flipped that in a matter of weeks, paid the debt, and had enough for another re-up or two.
       He stared into Ariens eyes. Her face was mostly obscured by shadows, but every so often a flash of light would brighten the place up a bit. "I can't leave," he said.
       She turned to look back at where they came from, then turned back to him. Her composure had changed completely, her eyes welled up slightly; they were glossy. She wasn't the same person she was, but perhaps this was just one of her characters. "I, I don't want to be down here." She said after a long pause. Her voice cracked, and the words wobbled on their way out.
       "It's easy for you to say that you don't care if Crovin gets his delivery. You work for him, he'll probably let it slide for you. Me though? It's my head if he doesn't get it, and those of my friends too." M'Trada said, trying to sound confident, but he didn't feel it.

       "We move to the lower levels. These slums are going to be crawling with wretches, so everyone, fire at will." Meeha said to everyone in the vicinity. "I will not have The Oridium Mines fall to another of these rebellions."
       The immediate area erupted into cheers and even some laughter. They were all rearing to get down to the lower levels it seemed. Everyone had their weapons at the ready, and one of the guards even polished theirs as they waited for the order to move out.
       "Rebellion?" M'Trada heard himself whisper. Putting down a rebellion wasn't what he had in mind. He presumed there was some sort of attack from outside the compound. He stared back at Arien, and by now she was someone else. She looked small and scared.
       "We move!" The Mulu shouted, and boots in unison hit the ground as they marched forward and down a massive walkway.
       M'Trada stared at Arien, and then turned to follow the others. He couldn't force her to come with them and didn't want to either. She's not cut out for this sort of work, apparently. He thought, as he fell in with everyone else.

       The walkway was open, and inclined slightly for a long stretch. On each side were the huge pillars, with their spinning disks. On the machinery itself, M'Trada could see people working. The emaciated hordes of this place.
       He took a look over the edge, without getting too close, and it kept going. As far down as he could see, there were large areas bored out of the rock, creating more cavernous rooms, like the one they were in.
       The place was immense. A maze of tunnels, and caverns. M'Trada knew he couldn't get separated from the others, because it seemed like the sort of place where death followed you around each corner.

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