Overnight Succsess | Shook Chapter 14

Previous Part:
For Once In Her Life | Shook Chapter 13 Part 4

After lots of agent rejections, Dyqn self-published her book and left it alone for a little while. She didn't expect what she came back too...


Five days later and it was the weekend before school started back up. Dyan wouldn’t be going back to her school, so she wondered if by then the Blue family would kick her out, or let her go to their elementary school. But she’d leave that to time, as she was too scared to ask the parents.

The chaos of the Blue family had suddenly become normal for Dyan. When she woke up hearing a whiney Teal while Mrs. Blue cooed at the young baby, she wasn’t startled at all, and said good morning to Mrs. Blue.

She wasn’t fazed by the fact that she had to wait in line at the bathroom to brush her teeth. She wasn’t fazed by Royal or Maya arguing over whose day it was to do dishes. She barely even noticed the blasting and yelling coming from the TV while Navy and Wild Yonder played video games.

Everything was same old, same old, until she opened the laptop to check the sales of her book.

1 million. The website order tracker stated that one million copies of Shook had been bought and sold total.

Dyan’s mouth dropped open. There was just no way this could be real.

She looked at the sales chart, and would hover the mouse over each day. 34 copies sold the night of its release. Then 178 the next day, then 1,000 that afternoon then…

“No way! Am I dreaming!?” Dyan yelled.

She typed up her book’s name with her name after it in the search bar, and clicked on a random book site. Spirit and The Aliens had 4.9 stars and a bunch of reviews under it.

‘This book was amazing!’ Read one review.

‘My daughter loves this book!’ Stated another.

The next comment made Dyan smile even bigger.

‘I love reading this book, it’s so relatable on what it’s like to face fears as a puny kid.’ Dyan liked this comment so much, she read it twice.

“Dyan! One of the websites your book is on says they’ve sold out of your books!” yelled Mrs. Blue.

Mr. Blue ran downstairs with his phone, looking around confused until he saw Mrs. Blue. “I just got an email about a movie deal for the novel Spirit and The Aliens! That’s the book Dyan made, right?”

“What?” Maya went into the kitchen shocked, and turned to Dyan.

Dyan gasped and flew out of her seat. “I got a movie deal for my book!?”

Mr. Blue smiled and raised his eyebrows at Dyan. “Apparently! Great job kid!”

“It looks like you’re book is was an overnight success! I couldn’t be prouder.” Mrs. Bue said with a hand to her heart.

Most of the children had walked up and made a crowd around Mr. Blue. they had all types of questions flowing out of there mouth.

“Dyan’s making a movie?”

“How many books did she sell!?”

“Is Dyan famous now?”

Suddenly the doorbell rang, followed by two hardy knocks.

Bear started to bark like crazy at the door.

Everyone looked around at each other. Wild Yonder, the only person who didn’t come to the kitchen, finally paused his game and walked up and opened the door.

“Bear, get back! Get back!” Wild Yonder looked down at his dog, annoyed. Then he looked up.

A lady with a microphone and a speaker near her mouth smiled at the boy. Behind her was a man, one of his eyes shut and the other hidden behind a huge black camera. Behind the both of them was a blue van that said City News Station.

The lady spoke up. “Hi, this is the City News Station crew. Is this the house where Dyan Blue lives? We’d like to interview her on how she became one of the youngest writers to ever sell a million copies in just a few days! Oh, I just love your blue hair kid!”

Wild Yonder was flabbergasted. The news van. The smiling lady. All the black equipment people were soundlessly unloading from the back of the van. Wild Yonder stared into the camera, his mind wondering. Were they recording now? Was he on TV?

“Is she here?” pressed the woman. “Hello?”

“Uhh…” was all Wild Yonder managed to say.

Mrs. Blue ran to the door and opened it further, patting Wild Yonder’s head as she pushed him back. “Hello! Could you give us a moment? Thanks.” She closed the front door.

Mrs. Blue turned to the sea of Blue hair crowded behind her and spotted Dyan. “Dyan, do you want to do this interview?”

“I do, but I’m nervous! All those people watching the news will see me! What if I stutter, or faint?” answered Dyan.

“Face your fears Dyan! Isn’t that what your book is about?” Asked Azure.

“Plus, you’re going to be onTV!” Maya shook Dyan by the shoulders. “You’ll regret this later if you don’t go.”

Dyan looked around at all the smiling faces around her.

“You can do it, Dyan!” True reached up to pat Dyan’s back.

After a moment longer Dyan nodded and rushed up the stairs. “Tell them I’ll be out after I get dressed!”

“Wait, you wanna have that interview now!?” said Mrs. Blue.

“Yep! Before I can talk myself out of it!” yelled Dyan as she ran down the hallway to her room. Her heart was racing and her chest felt cold. She was really doing this! She was really a published author, sold 1 million copies of her book, and was about to be on the news!

She put on her best clothes, including her Go Far shirt, and rushed back downstairs. The Blue family parted ways as the new child author rushed down the hall and flung open the door.

“And action!”

Find out what happens next in the next part!

New to Shook? You can find the chapter archive in this post.

Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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