Shook Chapter 10: High Risk

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Game Over | Shook Chapter 9 part 5

It's time to head to the final destination. It's Dyan's first time on a plane, and something seems wrong...very wrong...


The next day everybody woke up early. Mr. Blue had planned for them to take an early flight to their final destination…the mystery vacation spot!

As they hauled suitcases through the parking lot, Dyan looked out at the dim blue sky, staring at the patch of yellow on the horizon where the sun would rise from. The only sounds were the rattling of suitcase wheels and the wails of baby Teal, who was fussing in Mrs. Blue's arms.

“When’s the plane for Arizona leave? Eight right?” Mr. Blue asked Mrs. Blue.

Maya gasped. “So we're going to Arizona!” She turned and squealed with Royal, Dyan, and True, who was jumping for joy.

Mr. Blue smiled. “Alright, Alright, y'all know the surprise. But we’ve still got to get to the airport on time!”

Dyan spent the whole time at the airport writing until it was time to board. The airport windows spanned from floor to ceiling, so you could stare right out at the nose of the plane, and the huge booster-looking turbine beside it. Just seeing how big the plane looked made Dyan rethink her whole running-away decision. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad, going to the police station and waiting for Miss Moleti.

She was slow and careful walking down the jet bridge that connected the airport to the plane. What if she stomped too hard and the bridge collapsed, it was like a two-story drop to the ground!

Dyan leaped the last step onto the plane. Inside was one long rectangle-shaped room. From front to back there were rows and rows of blue seats, the same color as the carpet. There were three chairs on either side of the aisle. Dyan checked the number on her plane ticket again and made her way to her seat, making herself thin to avoid rubbing against people as she walked down the aisle. Dyan had gotten a window seat near the back of the plane.

“We got seats right next to each other! How lucky is that!?” Maya bounced into the middle seat right next to Dyan.

“Very lucky,” Dyan answered, who happily didn’t mention she had written that Spirit sat next to the kind alien on the UFO ship last night for good luck. Dyan eyed everyone walking by. “Who’s gonna sit in the aisle seat?”

“I don’t know yet.” Maya said.

“No one from your family?” Dyan asked, and Maya shook her head no. “We got all scattered up.”

Dyan lifted herself up in her chair to see Mrs. Blue’s head a couple rows up with a few shades of Blue hair right beside her. Across the aisle was Mr. Blue and the rest of the blue Shades.

Soon a round man with a pink face took a seat next to Maya.

The man smiled at them. “Hey.”

“Hi!” Maya said loudly, while Dyan’s reply was barely audible.

“It’s always nice to go home to Phoenix, huh?” the man asked.

“Oh, we don’t live in Phoenix, we’re visiting, I’ve actually never been to Arizona,” Began Maya, and that was it. Maya had got going, and Dyan knew she wasn’t stopping anytime soon.

Maya and the round man quieted down as speakers turned on and flight attendants stood in the aisle explaining safety precautions while the plane drove down the runway. The speakers spoke about what to do in case of a crash-landing, a crash-landing in the ocean, if oxygen levels lowered in the plane, and more. Dyan paid attention carefully. She was even tempted to take notes on all the rules. She wanted to be prepared for any types of emergencies.

She looked out the window as the plane started to drive faster, the trees and road sweeping across the window. Her stomach stirred.

After lots of twisting and turning, the plane began to go even faster, and the wind whistled louder. And soon, the plane was off the ground, an invisible pressure pushing down on Dyan as the airport dipped farther and farther below. Dyan gripped the soft armrests at her sides. Maya tapped Dyan and smiled at her.

Dyan gave a weak smile back and relaxed a little as the plane flew diagonally towards the sky, the horizon tilted. Maya said something, but the plane was roaring so loudly, Dyan could only see Maya’s mouth moving.

"What!?" Dyan yelled after a moment.

"This feels amazing," said Maya, closing her eyes and leaning into her seat.

"This is…this is the first time I've ever been on a plane," Dyan said, trying hard to focus on the seat in front of her. Maya nodded while looking out the window.

Soon cars were practically ants and buildings practically lego pieces, and even all that became blanketed by clouds. The sky was the only scenery around seemed to go on forever, as far as the eye could see. The sky was a bright morning blue. A cottony, fluffy land of clouds sat at the bottom of the window, completing the scene.

Dyan’s heart drummed against her chest. “Look Maya, we're above the clouds!”

Maya turned and smiled at the window for a second before going back to fiddling with her bracelets. “I know. It looks so nice out there.”

Dyan raised an eyebrow. “You’re not shocked by it?”

“No. I’ve ridden on a plane lots of times before, so clouds and stuff aren’t that cool anymore.” Maya explained.

"I don't know how you could ever get tired of this," Dyan said, turning back to the window. She was completely mesmerized. It was weird, seeing clouds beneath her for once. Dyan’s eyes widened. “Are we too high up?”

Maya took another glance out the window. “I don’t think so.”

Dyan’s stomach became uneasy. What if they went so high up, everyone lost oxygen? Dyan began to feel a bit strange.

I think we’re too high up, Dyan thought. But then again, no one on the plane was freaking out. And wouldn’t the pilots know if he had driven the plane too high? But what if the pilots were new to the job!?

Dyan turned to Maya, who had lowered eyelids and was staring at the floor. Had she gone unconscious from lack of oxygen!?

Dyan shook Maya, but the girl was silent.

Find out what happens next in the next part!

New to Shook? You can find the chapter archive in this post.

Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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