Shook Chapter 9 Part 3 : Life And Death

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Ghosts | Shook Chapter 9 part 2

Dyan and her friends were laughing at how she had been so afraid to search for ghosts in the old train mueseum. Well, they were laughing until the turntable began to move...


The children heard metal screech and a rusty ticking noise began as the red passenger car on the turntable began to spin, slowly, in their direction.

Navy yelled, Maya stuttered back, and Dyan screamed so loud she could feel her voice box vibrating.

They all ran off, racing to the children’s museum as if a bull was running after them.

“Maya!? Dyan!? Navy!” The sound of Mrs. Blue’s voice seemed like the finish line as the three kids ran to her. Only when they were at her side did Dyan have enough courage to turn around and see if they were still being chased.

There was nothing behind them, no floating blue figure with bulgy eyes, as Dyan had imagined.

“What on Earth were you all running from!?” asked Mrs. Blue, which led Navy to explain the whole train station situation while they left the museums and headed for the van, which Mr. Blue had parked in front of the place.

“Well, you all shouldn’t have left for the train station without the rest of us,” Mrs. Blue shook her head. “I thought one of y’all was dying. Dyan sounded as squeaky as a chiuaua!”

Dyan knew she had screamed pretty loud, but she didn’t know just how loud or what she had sounded like. “I did?”

Navy and Maya looked at each other, and then burst out laughing, and even True started to giggle.

“You sounded like Teal when she's sleepy!” laughed Maya.

“Or like a mouse on helium!” Navy added. And everyone laughed. Everyone except Dyan.

“Everyone knows ghosts aren’t real!” True giggled.

“But you don’t understand, the train car actually moved!” Dyan said pointing. She looked at Navy and Maya. "Y'all saw it right?"

Between laughs, Maya pointed to the turn-table and said, “Yeah, but I think that guy was moving the train car the whole time.”

Dyan turned and saw a man with a mustache in the compartment in the back of the turntable. He smiled and waved at Dyan.

Dyan quickly put a hand up at the man and turned away. He must’ve heard her scream as well. Who was she kidding? Everyone within 10 miles must have heard it!

Once she got into the van the jokes didn’t end there.

“Gosh, was there a fire!?” Royal asked, and that kicked off everyone else’s version of what they thought happened when Dyan screamed.

The laughing and joking went one while Maya retold the story of what happened. Dyan thought she exaggerated the part when Dyan screamed on purpose, just to make the whole family laugh harder.

Thankfully, Royal began to explain what happened at Aunt Cerulean’s house, and Dyan's scream was forgotten.

Dyan didn't get over it though. She was angry the whole drive out of the city and was still angry when they made it to a rest area. After using the bathroom, the Blue children talked at a wooden table. True stayed in the van with her arms folded in the seat across from Dyan.

Dyan could tell True was still mad at her.

“You don’t have to use the bathroom, True dear?” Mrs. Blue asked, to which True answered with a long “No.”

“You sure?”


“Looks like there are two angry Munchkin’s today.” Mr. Blue said, looking at the two from the rearview mirror. “Time to investigate. Why are you mad, Dyan?”

“Everyone’s laughing at me because of how I screamed at the railroad museum.”

“Oh!” Mr. Blue chuckled. “You’ve got to get over that. It’s just a scream. If somebody else did it, I bet you’d think it was funny. Plus, nobody’s even thinking about that anymore. It’s over, so let time leave it behind.”

Dyan thought about this, but it only made her feel slightly better.

"And True? What’s your case?” asked Mr. Blue.

“I don’t wanna talk about it.”

“Come on, True.” He pried.


“Okay.” Mr. Blue put his hands up. “Well, me and your Mom are gonna take a walk around the rest stop, so stay in the van or stay by your siblings.”

True didn’t answer until Mrs. Blue forced her to say “ok.” Then the parents were off, and it was just Dyan and True in the van.

Dyan looked over to True, who looked the same as she did earlier. Arms crossed, upper lip puckered out.

“Why are you mad?” Dyan asked.

“You busted my lip, and everyone laughed at me when Maya told them how it happened!”

“What!? That was ages ago-oh.” Maybe this is how Mr. Blue felt when I told him what I was angry about, Dyan thought to herself.

“Well, I honestly don’t think it’s a big deal.”

“Not a big deal!? You BUSTED my lip! What if I died!?” True yelled.

“A kid dying by falling off a spinning pole?” Dyan raised an eyebrow on her straight face.

“Yep.” True puckered her lip back out. But it quivered, causing Dyan to laugh, and then True ended up laughing as well. This laugh felt really good, Dyan could almost feel her insides loosening up to let happiness seep in.

“They laughed about what I did too, but they aren’t talking about it now, so I think we should stretch our legs before it gets dark,” Dyan said, looking out at the orangish-blue sunset.


And so the two girls hopped out the van and ran out to the rest of the Blue children.

Find out what happens next in the next part!

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Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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