Shook Chapter 9: The Train Station

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The Swift Escape | Shook Chapter 8 part 2

After a terrible incedent at the Savannah Children's Mueseum, Dyan, Maya, and Navy sneak into the Georgia State Railroad Mueseum for fun. But it's a big place and Dyan's a small girl. What if she looses the others!?....


At the train station, a bunch of trains and boxcars sat in the sheds. A gust of wind blew chilly air through the trees and across their faces.

“Steam locomotives, diesel engines, freight cars! They’re all here!” A smile slowly grew on Navy’s face.

Maya pointed a thumb to Navy. “That's nerd talk for 'I'm so happy!'" Maya mimicked Navy's voice while waving her hands.

He completely ignored her. “There’s even a turntable!” Navy got close to a circle hole in front of the sheds, to where one lone track crossed that circle pit like a bridge for trains.

“What’s a turn-table?” asked Dyan.

“It spins trains to the direction they need to go in.” He pointed to the silver rails on the ground in front of the circle. “The turntable will line up with one of these rails and allow the train to go on it.”

While Dyan and Maya stared at all the trains in awe, Navy walked around the turntable to the train sheds and went inside.

Maya noticed her brother veering off. “Navy!” she yelled after him and ran to the sheds.

Dyan didn't like how quiet and empty this place was without them. She had no choice but to run after them.

The size of the trains were baffling. Until now, Dyan would have never thought that her head would barely go over the brim of the wheels of a steam train, but now she knew.

She lifted her head to face the wooden ceiling above, which was so high it would put the Blue’s living room ceiling to shame. Her footsteps echoed throughout this dark shed, which seemed more like a tunnel.

As she came behind the train, she looked left, and then right, but didn’t see Maya or Navy.

She went up to a freight car nearby. How big and brightly colored it was. She put her hand to one of the black circle buffers at its side, and found there was enough room to fit about five other hands on there with hers.

“Spooky.” she breathed.

“Just look at this passenger cabin!” someone yelled.

Dyan raised her head to look around. She ran to where she heard the voice coming from. Besides the trains this place seemed empty and dark. Dyan was sure that she could get lost in here forever if she wasn’t careful.

“Navy? Maya? Help!” Dyan yelled, her heart beating fast!

“Dyan, over here!” She heard, and she turned to see Maya standing on the back of a passenger cabin, her hands waving wildly.

Quickly Dyan ran over to her, trying hard not to look at the big square vents hanging over some of the trains, or how rusty and old the ceiling looked.

“Maya, what are you doing up there!?” Dyan asked.

“Having fun!” Maya held onto the metal railing of the back of the car and turned to look into the passenger car. “To think, people used to ride in this. How fun it must have been!” Maya waved a hand. “Come up here!”

Dyan shook her head. “No. Who knows how old that train is! The gate could probably come off at any minute, or it could collapse or-”

Maya rolled her eyes. “Just get up here!”

Maya went up to Dyan and grabbed her arm and pulled it towards the train.

“No! Maya! Stop!” Dyan yelled uselessly. She was pulled up the metal steps to the little outstretched platform on the back of the car, which faced the back of the train station.

Dyan looked behind her and saw the inside of the passenger car, the old windows looking sudsy. She could see inside to a small cabin full of worn-out looking seats. Some seats had suitcases above them on the top shelf.

“Maya! Dyan! Look in here!” Navy yelled, and once they saw him he disappeared into a train car with an open door.

The girls had no other choice but to follow him inside.

Find out what happens next in the next part!

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Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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