We Lost Him | Shook Chapter 7 Part 3

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Team G.I.D. | Shook Chapter 7 Part 2

Dyan can choose any piece of clothing she wants to make a stylish outfit for the family trip. With so many choices, what will she choose? Wait, what the heck happened to Azure!?...


Dyan tried hard to fight the smile off her face. She felt guilty, after all, she might be taking out of the Blue’s vacation money! But when she turned to Mrs. Blue and saw the bright smile on her face, Dyan couldn’t help but smile back.

She looked at all the jeans, with the nice looking designs on them, and all their different colors. Then she saw some shorts, some cool dark blue ones with rolled up cuffs.”

Dyan grabbed them. Now it was time to look for a T-shirt to go with it! Dyan looked at all the shirts. Some were plain, some had movie characters on them, and some had cool big words on them. Dyan loved shirts with words on them because she felt like whatever the shirt said would tell the person reading it a little about the person wearing it.

Her eyes slid across the shirts and stopped at one a shade of blue she could only describe as cool. It looked like a shade you might see a hologram be made up of or in neon lighting in a futuristic city. What made this shirt even better was that in big white words it said, ‘Go Far’ and it showed a rabbit with a pink bow in front of one ear running.

Dyan immediately pointed to it and said “I really like this shirt.”

“Well, let’s get it!” Mrs. Blue said, smiling. She took the shirt off of its rack. “You have good taste. This looks really nice.”

“I know! I love that color!” Dyan smiled at the shirt.

“I wonder what shade of blue this is,” Mrs. Blue said, turning the shirt over. “Looks somewhat like Maya’s hair color, but not quite.”

I knew it. Spirit would like this shade of Blue. No, she’d love it! Dyan thought in her head, and then wondered that since Maya is Spirit, does she already like this shade of blue, or would Dyan have to write the fact for Maya to like it?

Mrs. Blue took Dyan to the fitting room to try on her clothes. She had a blast trying on her new outfit and seeing how she looked in it.

“Thank you so much Mrs. Blue! I can’t thank you enough!” said Dyan.

“No problem!” Mrs. Blue answered. “Time to find the boys. Wild Yonder should have come back to us with those free samples,” said Mrs. Blue, heading over to the bakery section.

Dyan agreed. Wild Yonder had been gone a pretty long time for just getting free samples.

Mrs. Blue and Dyan went to the bakery aisle to see Wild Yonder sitting on a food display table, snacking on a huge dark brown cookie with chocolate chunks in it. Crumbs spotted the sides of his mouth.

“Wild Yonder Blue! Get ’cho self off that pie table!” Mrs. Blue snapped at her son.

He slid off, hardly fazed by his mother’s anger and walked over to Dyan, where he handed her a double-chocolate cookie from his other hand.

“Thanks,” Dyan said, grabbing the napkin and taking a bite.

“Where’s Azure?” Mrs. Blue asked.

“I don’t know. I thought he was with y’all.” answered Wild Yonder.

“Well then where’s his cookie sample?”

“I ate it.”

Mrs. Blue widened her eyes. “Oh my- I’ll deal with you later. First we have to find Azure,” Mrs. Blue headed to the egg aisle with Dyan and Wild Yonder following behind.

Azure wasn’t there.

“I sent him to go get eggs. Where is he?” Mrs. Blue mumbled.

Dyan widened her eyes. Could Azure be lost? She looked around. There was the low wallah of talking and lots of children walking around the store with their parents, but none of them had blue hair. None of them Azure.

“We have to find him!” Mrs. Blue said, her voice wavering.

“Azure!” Wild Yonder yelled.

“Azure!” Dyan yelled as well.

Mrs. Blue, Dyan and Wild Yonder continued to yell his name, near the frozen foods, the bakery and the deli. Then they went to the other side of the store, and yelled for Azure at the home aisles and technology center. By then, they got desperate enough to look down every aisle for Azure. In the end, they had walked down all the parameters of the store and still couldn't find him.

“We can’t find him, we really can’t find him!” Mrs. Bue said shakily.

“He’s gotta be here somewhere. It’s not like he left the store with the cart,” Wild Yonder reasoned.

Mrs. Blue gulped. “I hope you're right.”

The three sat there thinking for a moment.

“Oh my gosh this isn’t happening!” Mrs. Blue yelled. “I’ve lost one of my sons in a supermarket during the holiday season, the one time it’s too crowded to spot him!”

Dyan looked around at all the many people in coats and fuzzy hats and gloves, making their way towards the front of the store, to the registers.

“I…I think I’ll have to go to customer service and have them call his name on the intercom,” Mrs. Blue said, teary eyed.

The thought was still sinking into Dyan’s brain. Azure couldn’t really be lost, could he? Where could he be!? He just went to get eggs and was supposed to meet back with Wild Yonder, then back with her and Mrs. Blue back at the clothes depar-

“The clothing department! Maybe he’s in the clothing department!” Dyan looked at Mrs. Blue.

“But I thought we looked everywhere,” said Mrs. Blue.

"Maybe when we went to get Wild Yonder, Azure was at the egg aisle, and when we went to the egg aisle he was headed to meet Wild Yonder at the bakery, only Wild Yonder wasn't there because he was with us. So as a last resort he went to the clothes aisle to find us!" Dyan reasoned.

“Maybe,” said Mrs. Blue. “but I still think the intercom is our best bet.”

Dyan glanced at the customer help desks and then down at the clothing department. “Then how about you head to the intercom, and I head over to the clothes. That way, if he’s not there, I can just come back to you.”

“I don’t like the idea of us splitting up anymore.” said Mrs. Blue. She turned and looked out to the darkening sky outside. “But it is getting late. So okay. Dyan, you and Wild Yonder can go to the clothing department and look for Azure, then meet me at customer service near the front of the store.” Mrs. Blue pointed out past the clothing aisle.

“I can’t see where you’re pointing, the clothes are in the way,” Dyan told her.

Mrs. Blue then turned and pointed “It says customer service in big white letters, you can’t miss it.”

Dyan could hardly see the place but she nodded regardless. “Okay.”

Dyan nodded along with Wild Yonder, and the two separated from Mrs. Blue, who went over to the front of the store.

Dyan raced to the clothing department, nervous out of her wits. Azure had to be there, or else where could he be?

Find out what happens next in the next part!

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Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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