Quest For Yuletide's Star


The icy wind howled and the once stable winter weather suddenly became erratic as the snowstorm intensified. The enchanting lights that illuminated Everfrost dimmed out, casting a gloom over the forest. The inhabitants of Everfrost scurried to their homes to avoid being smashed to death by the intense snowstorm

"Your enchantress, Everfrost, is in trouble. Frozen water bodies have started to thaw and the magical lights are dimming out, your subjects are becoming mischievous, some are scared. Worst of all is that time is behaving strangely," Forrester reported with his head bowed and feet trembling.

"Quick, get the Great Frost Fairy. Make sure she's safe," her voice was shaky and filled with fear. If nothing was done about the situation, Christmas would be ruined and lives at great risk. Her eyes fell on the lights as they flickered. Something was definitely fighting to destroy the winter solstice festival.

All citizens had gathered in the panic hall except Forrester and the Great Frost Fairy. Everyone was scared that the storm had killed them. Few minutes later, Forrester dashed into the hall with the Great Frost Fairy in his arms. "I found her like this in her home. I think her powers are waning off." The citizens all echoed an ooouuu sound as they placed their palms on their mouths.

"What's going on?" The enchantress whispered in the ears of the Great Frost Fairy. She tilted her head weakly to the side so that her eyes were fixed on that of the enchantress. "There's no time. The star of Yuletide has been stolen." She coughed and spat out greenish liquid. "Someone must volunteer to go to the mystical forest of Yuletide to retrieve it, otherwise Christmas will be ruined forever."

The enchantress with the speed of light, faced the citizens. "Who will journey to the mystical forest to retrieve the star of Yuletide?" Her eyes searched the crowd anticipating that one of the bravest and toughest Fae would raise a hand but none did and when she was about losing her patience, an unlikely finger shot up in the crowd.

"What? Aria Frostwind?" She stuttered when she saw that the finger that went up was that of her only daughter who was turning fifteen on Christmas Eve. The quiet of the hall was suddenly disrupted with murmurs as Aria made her way out of the crowd to where her mother stood. On her shoulder sat Snowfeather, a wise and ancient snow parrot gifted to Aria by her late grandmother.

"What are you doing?" The enchantress whispered. Her face pale. "We all know that Aria is too young and can't make it out of the forest. Someone else please." She feigned a smile as she searched the crowd again for a hand but none came up.

"But I can do it mother!" Her beautiful voice echoed in the hall. The enchantress turned to her daughter whose eyes shone of boldness. "But…, you're just a child." Tears packed in her eyes as she hugged her child.

"Time is behaving strangely, remember?" the Great Frost Fairy coughed out. The enchantress eyed her daughter trying to change her mind from embarking on such a journey but Aria's mind was made.

She had no choice but to let her go. They escorted her out of the dimly lit Everfrost. Its light was almost going out and if the star wasn't recovered in three days, the beautiful Everfrost will sleep in gloom for eternity.


Everyone paused at the line between Everfrost and the mystical forest housing Brynden Frostbane, the most evil winter spirit that caused trouble in the magical realm.

The enchantress, Icelyn, walked Aria a bit further. Handing her a powerful amulet, she said; "May the good spirits guide you." Then came Brynden's mighty howl that shook Icelyn. Reluctantly, she walked away from her daughter and tears streamed down her cheeks.

Aria was about to cross when Thorn, her childhood friend and crush ran to her. He handed her Snowfeather. "Your birthday is in two days, please return," he sobbed, "I love you." His words gave Aria the courage as she crossed the line.

The forest door opened wide, revealing its gloom and horror. Aria, without looking back, walked in with Snowfeather perched on her shoulders. As the forest door shut with a bang, vultures flushed in the air.

Sleep eluded everyone in Everfrost. Icelyn gathered powerful fairies and they joined forces to make sure that Aria returned home. Time became less friendly to them as it caused serious confusion. They experienced periods of unexpected bursts of daylight and extended darkness.

"Aria!" Someone called from behind. She recognized the voice and looked back. "Thorn? You came?" She smiled, running towards. "Don't!" the parrot warned. Aria tripped, fell face flat. Thorn guffawed.

"Thorn would never laugh if I fell," she retorted and wiped the dirt off her silver gown that had turned brown. Aria had met with different types of spirits who played pranks on her but with her wit and that of Snowfeather, she overcame them all.

"Look, your first injury," Snowfeather exclaimed as Aria bled. "It's really not big compared to what we're going to lose if we don't get going," she returned. "There's no such thing as a free lunch," the voice that was once that of Thorn changed to something haunting and the body that was once Thorn's turned to that of a dwarfy, black winged, hairy Fae.

Aria took two steps back, covering her mouth with her blood stained palms. "The star you're looking for is over there," the creature pointed and the path cleared, bringing to Aria's vision the Star of Yuletide. "A few thorns lie ahead, don't get pricked," the creature warned and disappeared.

Aria sprinted with the last strength left in her. Snowfeather flew ahead warning her of the dangers. She dodged each barrier that came her way as instructed by Snowfeather but the last one. Just as she was about removing the Star from the nest that held it, a thorn pricked her on the knee, at the same spot she had sustained the bruise. Aria felt weak as she was losing blood but still struggled to get the star. She reached for the branch and picked the star out. Her knees suddenly went numb and she thudded on the ground, losing consciousness.

"Your enchantress, the resilient winter plants and enchanted flora have begun to wilt." Forrester reported. The enchantress who for days chanted words of hope wailed. "Aria is gone. Her soul made those plants bloom."

The powerful fairies who sat around her bowed their heads in respect for Aria who gave her soul just to bring back the beauty of Christmas. "Assemble the soldiers. Her body shall be returned to us tomorrow being Christmas Eve." For the first time Forrester saw the mighty Icelyn, enchantress of Everfrost cry. He bowed his head in respect and turned away to summon the soldiers.

"Aria?" Snowfeather called but no response came forth. Her breath was still, her hands folded tightly around the star. "Oh no! The star," Snowfeather cried as he saw something that looked like a crack on it. He bowed his head and chanted dirge.


Hours later, Aria coughed and opened her eyes, her hands still wrapped tight around the star, she sought for Snowfeather. "Snowfeather!" She called with fear. "Aria? Aria!" He descended from the tree on which he sat. "I'm glad you're alive but the star…," she opened her hands before he could complete his statement and they both exhaled.

"It's time to head back home." Aria nodded and stood to her feet. The path back out of the forest was free as the star led them with its glow.

"Mighty Icelyn, the flowers are blooming again." Forrester reported and immediately the Forest door opened to reveal Aria leaping out with Snowfeather perched on her shoulder. "Aria Icelyn Frostwind," her mother called her full name with all the boldness in the world. "Her enchantress," Aria bowed and handed the star to her mother after crossing the line that bordered the mythical forest and Everfrost.

"Happy birthday." The rest of the people who had come out also bowed and echoed a happy birthday to Aria. Time had been restored to its normal state and it was Christmas Eve already.

The enchantress handed the star of Yuletide to the Great Frosty Fairy who, with other powerful fairies, returned the star to its position and casted a more powerful spell to protect it from being stolen. The lights that were almost going out brightened up, the flowers bloomed, everything was back to normal.

The inhabitants of Everfrost screamed for joy as Aria walked with them back home. Her apparel was magically changed to a red gown with silver stones shimmering with each step she took. Thorn and Aria walked side by side, holding hands. The balance between magic and merriment had been restored by the brave Aria Icelyn Frostwind.




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