250 # for Twitter, for the 6 most tweeted about cultural trends.....

Following my post on popular twitter trends yesterday a couple of people suggested I might usefully put together a themed list of which hashtags to use for which content themes – so here you go!

Rather than cut and paste the tags in here in text form, all the data below is on a spread sheet I made , I'm sure someone else can do something clever with it. I couldn't even make the damn thing pivot for me.

All the data is taken from this Twitter cultural insights document which analysed cultural trends discussed on twitter from 2016 to 2020.

There is a lot of overlap between the themes below, if you remove duplicates you end up with 250 # which are on the spreadsheet linked above.

It's difficult to say which the most popular # are as the analysis only provides data on hashtag clusters, and no information aboud absolute numbers.

It wouldn't be authentic to use hashtags that aren't relevant to what you're doing anyway, so I guess the point is that if you write about any of the topics below (and there's something for many, many people on Hive) then you should be using some of the relevant tags below!

#CreatorCulture - 462% uptrend since 2016

Tweets on topics such as 'side-hustling to make a living', live streaming, gaming, and general creativity


#Oneplanet - 285% uptrend since 2016

Tweets on sustainability and ethical living - I guess we're not going to specialize in clean corporations giving that so many of us just dislike them!

one planet.JPG

#WellBeing - 225% uptrend since 2016

I have a feeling this trend is going to be THE TREND of the 2020s - interesting that #cbd is in there!

#MyIdentity - 167% uptrend since 2016

LOTs about gender here, but also fandom - one of the more contentious themes for many Hiveans I'm sure!

#TechLife - 166% uptrend since 2016

the most obvious fit for Hive, but not the most popular out there in real world!

EverdayWonder - 161% uptrend since 2016

I was quite surprised to find this here - lots of people writing about this on Hive...

Final observation - Wot No #Crypto?

Note how #crypto doesn't appear in the 250 most used hashtags on Twitter, and if that doesn't I doubt if #Hive is anywhere near the top 10 000.

This means that all the drama of the past years has happened without a mass audience - and the price still seems to have stabilized at around $0.20, which isn't bad all things considered.
I get the feeling that there's now a critical mass of people talking about the kind of stuff we talk about in Spades on Hive.

If you think back to 2017 when the price of pre-Hive was going nuts, THAT was with a tiny, tiny amount of authors writing and a few speculators buying in - now I get the feeling there are MASSES of people ripe for on-boarding, and some real potential for people buying Hive from diverse backgrounds and with diverse interests to support their own creative online endeavors.

Against The Wolf I'd say that right now is a TERRIBLE time to abandon Hive as a primarily social project, just look at the potential out there!

Cheers, enjoy what's hopefully a sustained increase in the price, rather than a mere pump!

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