Don't homestead if...


Don't homestead if you think moth balls are the solution to everything.

Don't homestead if you think that you know what you are doing just because you grew up in a country suburb and maybe went camping once a year.

Don't homestead if you are lazy.

Don't homestead if you aren't mentally or emotionally capable of dealing with hardship without dragging everyone else down with you.

Don't homestead if you are prone to overreacting and totally freaking out over bugs, spiders, snakes and rodents.

Don't homestead if you believe any form of snake repellant works for anything other than as a placebo for your anxiety over perhaps actually seeing a snake or 'thinking' that they are everywhere.

Don't homestead if you absolutely lack a sense of humor and take yourself too seriously.

Don't homestead if you can't accept failure and success equally and just keep moving forward.

Don't homestead if you think you will never have to do math.

Don't homestead if you don't understand (or aren't willing to learn) the lasting impact you will leave upon the land.

Don't homestead if you think the internet can appropriately prepare you for what you are in for. In the beginning it is always going to be difficult, then after that it is still going to be difficult.

Don't homestead if you find this post judgemental or are someone that 'doesn't read the comments'.

Don't homestead if you can't deal with your cellphone cutting in and out of service, sending duplicate text messages and making duplicate posts that you have to delete.

Don't homestead if you think you are just going to do yoga, meditate all day and that 'nature' will provide for you.

Don't homestead if WD-40 is your go-to lubricant for everything.

Don't homestead if you are comfortable with trespassers that ignore your signs that say 'Trespassers will be hog tied and told they have a purdy mouth', 'I ain't nice enough to shoot you', and the more common 'No Trespassing'.

Don't homestead if you can't recite the first ten thousand digits of pi in a reasonably Shakespearean voice while running a chainsaw sixty feet up in a lightning struck tree (during a snowstorm) before it can fall on your home.

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