Economic Consequences of the COVID1984 Lock-down

There's "...a real danger that more people could potentially die from the economic impact of COVID-19 than from the virus itself."


Below is a list of studies, relevant information and associated risks caused by economic downturns (courtesy of meme-meister Project Harambe):

‘Instead of Coronavirus, the Hunger Will Kill Us.’ - A Global Food Crisis Looms.

The coronavirus pandemic has brought hunger to millions of people around the world. National lockdowns and social distancing measures are drying up work and incomes, and are likely to disrupt agricultural production and supply routes — leaving millions to worry how they will get enough to eat.

Epidemiologist Dr Knut Wittkowski: ‘Lockdown Has No Benefit, Only Negative Effects’



Please refer to the stories listed below to follow the evidence:

As the month-long lock-down ends for some, such as in Texas, the economic hangover will persist even after the corona-crisis drops from the headlines. The economic repercussions are coming home to roost. The supply-chain, unfortunately, continues to lag and recover from the suspension of economic activity. The private businesses that survive the lock-down will be confronted by limited operations, supply disruption and dwindling returns due to customers spending less.


Back in March the St. Louis Fed projected"...estimated layoffs in second quarter 2020 [to be] 47.05 million," a figure much worst than the last depression 100 years back. Additionally, Reuters reported... "job losses during the corona virus crisis have now wiped out all the gains made during the longest hiring boom in U.S. history". The International Monetary Fund's economic projections further confirmed this grim outlook:

The US middle class could have tens of millions plunge into poverty, according to independent UN human rights expert, Philip Alson, unless the government takes "urgent additional steps" with Congress needing to take "far-reaching" actions to prevent Americans from facing destitution.

US Manufacturing Surveys Show Record Collapse In Output, Orders, & Jobs


April data signaled an unprecedented contraction in production across the U.S. manufacturing sector, overwhelmingly linked to measures implemented to contain the COVID-19 outbreak (Full Analysis: ZeroHedge)

Recently, protesters in Michigan stormed the State Capitol demanding an end to the lock-down order by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Meanwhile, in California policymakers are lamenting the real possibility of the crisis wiping out their rainy day fund..." and possibly much more money, to prop up vital government services that could be severely underfunded by a quickly collapsing economy." Millions of people have lost their jobs during the pandemic. Causing some frustrated business owners to resist & defy the government's orders to stay home. Moreover, Farmers across America are struggling with labor shortages, supply-chain disruption and ..."the shutdown of the food service industry has [further] scrambled the supply chain."

'A disastrous situation': mountains of food wasted as coronavirus scrambles supply chain

wastedveggies.jpg A pile of ripe squash sits in a field in Homestead, Florida. Photograph: Lynne Sladky/Associated Press

“The reality is what makes the food chain work normally is there are just tens of thousands of arrangements that have been developed over time in order to match supply and demand. Then you just suddenly break all that and you’re trying to, with voluntary relationships, piece something together in a very short timeframe,” he said. “There’s going to be a lot of failure.” ( Full Story )

Coast To Coast Supply Chain Disruption


The virus was the pin that popped the bubble of prosperity artificially engineered by deceptive government statistics, stock-buy backs, and the endless bailouts. The fundamental weaknesses in the economy were quickly blamed on an "unpredictable" event which necessitated the expediency of government relief programs. The public accepted & demanded "brutal but effective..." measures be taken to tackle the supposed existential threat. The public accepted these draconian measures in the believe it would keep people safe by "flattening the curve."

The deliberate sabotaging of the economy by the Federal Reserve with the help of government is being camouflaged by the corona crisis. As reported by Whitney Webb, the new techno-tyranny paradigm that will follow after the collapse is quietly unfolding behind the headlines. Big Banks, Big Business and Big Government are the clear winners in this "unpredictable" pandemic.

The public's growing frustration with the economic lock down is the result of an active discussion by a questioning public, alternative media & honest researchers. The latest information on the corona viruses reveals the official narrative pushed by government experts was wrong at best; and at worst explicitly deceptive. In hindsight, the initial lock-down can be somewhat justifiable because people were swept by fear, uncertain and doubt. However, now that new information has proven lock-downs to be ineffective and shown that the virus is not as deadly as once thought. Questions remain...why do they continue? If the economic lock down causes a world-wide recession of biblical proportions that would kill more than the corona virus...then why is this issued ignored? Are we prepared to face the consequence of letting us FEAR guide society?

The deliberate sabotaging of the economy by the Federal Reserve with the help of government is being camouflaged by the corona crisis. As reported by Whitney Webb, the new techno-tyranny paradigm that will follow after the collapse is quietly unfolding behind the headlines. Big Banks, Big Business and Big Government are the clear winners in this "unpredictable" pandemic.

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