Limitless Secrecy & Destruction of the Shadow Government and CIA (Part 2 of ex-CIA Agent Exposes entire Shadow Gov't & Deep State Apparatus)


Due to the exceptional work from ex-CIA Agent Kevin Shipp in preparing and delivering an all-encompassing work on the matrix of the Shadow Government – Deep State – CIA web apparatus of looting, destruction, and terror, I continue with my series to help document this historic exposé.

In Part 1 I summarized about half (up to the 28:30 mark) of his first presentation on the subject. In it, we looked at the differences and interconnections between what is referred to as the Shadow Government and the Deep State; and we learned that they are two different, yet equally nefarious, secretive organizations which have basically decimated the US Constitution. We also brought other players such as the CFR, CIA, Federal Reserve, the IMF & World bank as well as the International Banking Cartel to light in order to expose their criminal doings. Finally, Shipp had skillfully explained how these players have managed to subvert the Constitution with all their secret budgets, covert operations, and complicity with the corporate news media.

In Part 2 - Limitless Secrecy & Destruction of the Shadow Government and CIA, we will continue with more details regarding the Shadow Government’s secrecy, the trillions wasted by the Military Industrial Complex’s on their destructive wars and coups, and how the Secret Intelligence Industrial Complex has morphed into a gigantic and uncontrollable quagmire with a surveillance spynet of epic proportions decimating Americans rights and privacy. Then, we will tally sum of the related costs (in $trillions) of these operations that are incurred on the back of tax payers. Finally, we will see how the CIA is the “central node” of it all.

Part 2 – Limitless Secrecy & Destruction of the Shadow Government and CIA

Shipp continues Part 1 of his presentation by revealing the size and scope of the Shadow Government’s secrecy operations.

State Secrets & Secrecy

Shipp begins: “There are 10,000 secret sites of the Shadow Government within the United States of America across the country.” More numbers:

  • 1,271 Secret Agencies
  • 1,931 Big Private Corporations (involved in government secrecy within the US)
  • 4,800,000 people with government security clearances (who have signed secrecy agreements)
  • 854,000 people with ‘Top Secret’ government clearances
  • 1,000,000s of people who have signed government binding secrecy oaths/agreements


Military Industrial [Congressional] Complex

The Congressional Armed Services Committee has 48 senior members and they vote on the ‘Defense Authorization Act’”, Shipp states. They decide which MIC corporations get the contracts/money, he continues, stating:

A staggering $1 Trillion is the approximate amount spend annually for defense related purposes along with $46 billion in yearly foreign arm sales (with the US being the largest arms seller in the world).

The Congressional Armed Services Committee members receive an average of $700,000 a year from the above parties for their re-election campaigns and their leadership PACs with the most prominent figure being John McCain (whose photo appears in the following slide).


Your tax dollars hard-at-work folks! Shipp refers to McCain as the Shadow Senator who is the most deeply tied into the Shadow Government and Deep State.


Image & Article Source: Veterans Today ISIS Leader, McCain Confidant, Baghdadi Moves to Libya


Image & Article Source: Socio-Economics History Blog Senator John McCain’s Whoops Moment: Photographed Chilling With ISIS Chief Al-Baghdadi And Terrorist Muahmmad Noor!


Image & Article Source: Hypocrite McCain Caught Posing With Al Qaeda And ISIS

Here is a list of the other members of Congress who sit on the armed services committees:

Your Congressional Representatives hard at work for you and looking out for your best interests folks! (sarcasm intended)

Secret Intelligence Industrial Complex

In this section Shipp begins by stating the very long participation of Booz Allen Hamilton in such surveillance activities. He also goes on to mention famous whistleblowers Thomas Drake of the NSA and Edward Snowden from Booz Allen Hamilton.


Thomas Drake (source: Wikipedia)


Edward Snowden (source: Wikipedia)


Shipp notes that $50 billion is spent annually on the Security Industrial Complex without the apparent consent or knowledge of the American taxpayer, adding that these are top secret, unelected people who do unreported work - a lot of it not only quite nefarious, but also illegal and unconstitutional. Moreover, they have no accountability to Congress nor the American people. “Secrecy [inevitably] breeds corruption.”, Shipp concludes.


The $COST of the Shadow Gov’t & Deep State

Just let the following numbers sink in and speak for themselves:


Although $803 Billion is stated, Shipp sees this as a conservative estimate and reveals that the real figure should be closer to the $1 Trillion mark (of tax dollars). “Anybody vote for that?”, he poses to his audience followed by “Anybody know about that?

Then Shipp elaborates on the ‘Cost to American’s Vital Security’ outlining how the coffers of the Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are being vastly looted and defunded resulting in a devastatingly deteriorating Health Care system.

He concludes the section on yet another sad note stressing that the country’s infrastructure is crumbling, the economy is stagnating, and Americans are suffering as a consequence to all of this criminality.

The Central Node: the CIA


Shipp considers the CIA to be the central node of the Shadow Government. As a former agent of the CIA, he is certainly in a position to make such a bold statement. Unbridled (unlimited), unconstitutional, and without Congressional oversight, are other terms he uses to describe the power and influence of the spy agency.

The CIA was created without Congressional approval.

It (the CIA) manipulates the President and his political decisions, he adds. The example he offers is the false information provided to the President that led to the Iraq War along with the deaths of over 500,000 Iraqi citizens and 5,000 deaths of US troops with 200,000 injured.


General Colin Powell providing false testimony at the UN (Full speech here)


Financial cost of the Iraq War (as of 2018-03-17), source: National Priorities Project, click link to update the figure.

Additional sources for the cost of the Iraq war:

  • Reuters: Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study (link)
  • the balance: Cost of Iraq War: Timeline, Economic Impact (link)
  • Wikipedia: Financial cost of the Iraq War (link)

The human cost has been unbelievably devastating and heart-breaking and we often tend to forget the actual people behind these figures. Here is one such soul that has paid the ultimate price:


Thomas Young, Tomas Young, Iraq war vet who became an anti-war activist:My Last Words to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, by Tomas Young (Open Letter)

Shipp continues on how the CIA has the power to: start wars, execute coups (with an astonishing 80 coups conducted overseas!), create false flag attacks (usually as pretexts to start wars), drone attacks on civilians and American citizens, as well as drug running.

With a track record like this a more fitting name for the agency could be the Criminal Insidious Agency [of Destruction and Devastation].


False Flag operations: History of American False Flag Operations, Washington’s Blog (via Ever-Growing List of ADMITTED False Flag Attacks. Note: not all the false flags in these two lists are said to be carried out by the CIA.

Shipp then refers to a friend called Paul Williams who wrote a book called Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia (which has 2,000 documented footnotes) wherein it is documented that the CIA used the mafia to run drugs, laundered the money through the Vatican (click link for an excellent book called God’s Bankers on the subject) to stage false flag attacks in Italy.


Book cover for Paul Williams’ ‘Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia’

Next, the former spy continues stating that CIA employees are basically unelected officials that make these massive, huge decisions whichmanipulates Congress with secrecy. They also manipulate the Judiciary forcing them to shut cases down all while operating with a secret budget which hides [a lot of] dark activity.

Next, Shipp states:

It has been calculated, I think pretty accurately, that because of CIA operations and coups about 7 million people have died as a result of CIA covert operations – largely innocent people.

Let that figure sink in for a while…

Here’s the final slide on the subject of the CIA being the Central Node of it all:


Shadow Government Rewards the Faithful

Shipp states that [President] Truman reluctantly created the Central Intelligence Agency and said the following afterwards (two years later):


He [Truman] then called it a “Sinister” and “mysterious” agency and regretted ever forming it in the first place.

Shipp then recounts something important about the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and its connections to the mainstream media – specifically the Washington Post – then notes that today’s Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos’ Amazon who recently entered into a $600 million dollar contract with the CIA. Here are a few resources on the subject:

I highly recommend you read the last article on the list above from Carl Bernstein who was a Washington Post journalist until he quit in 1977. Although it is lengthy, it is definitely worth the read; here is a short excerpt from the beginning of the article:

How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up
In 1953, Joseph Alsop, then one of America’s leading syndicated columnists, went to the Philippines to cover an election. He did not go because he was asked to do so by his syndicate. He did not go because he was asked to do so by the newspapers that printed his column. He went at the request of the CIA.
Alsop is one of more than 400 American journalists who in the past twenty‑five years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency, according to documents on file at CIA headquarters. Some of these journalists’ relationships with the Agency were tacit; some were explicit. There was cooperation, accommodation and overlap. Journalists provided a full range of clandestine services—from simple intelligence gathering to serving as go‑betweens with spies in Communist countries. Reporters shared their notebooks with the CIA. Editors shared their staffs. Some of the journalists were Pulitzer Prize winners, distinguished reporters who considered themselves ambassadors without‑portfolio for their country. Most were less exalted: foreign correspondents who found that their association with the Agency helped their work; stringers and freelancers who were as interested in the derring‑do of the spy business as in filing articles; and, the smallest category, full‑time CIA employees masquerading as journalists abroad. In many instances, CIA documents show, journalists were engaged to perform tasks for the CIA with the consent of the managements of America’s leading news organizations.

Shipp concluded the section mentioning that Truman’s Dec. 22 [sic – it was on the 21st], 1963 Op-Ed article had been purged from the Washington Post three days later; but you can read the full text of the letter by clicking the link below the following image:


President Harry Truman’s Op Ed piece from Dec. 21, 1963, full text here with an additional reference at Truman’s True Warning on the CIA and JFKFACTS: After JFK was killed, former president Truman called for the abolition of CIA covert operations (which is also the source for the image above).

What is going on in DC now?

Shipp transitions to the ‘Internal Cold War’ occurring in Washington D.C. with a fierce battle taking place between a Shadow Government and an Elected Government with Trump as its President. Shipp states, perhaps without much surprise from his audience, that the CIA spies on the US Senate which he states amounts to a felony; and that a recent operation during the Obama administration had the CIA hack into the Senates' computers on Capitol Hill.

Apparently when Obama was asked about this fiasco his response was that he had full confidence in John Brennan – the Director of the CIA at the time. (This certainly substantiate countless claims that President Obama was a mere puppet). Later, when Brennan was called before the Senate and put on the hot seat (for bugging the Senate) he, arrogantly, actually threatened Senate members with prosecution for “accessing” CIA (Shadow Government) documents.

John Brennan (CIA Director from March 8, 2013 to January 20, 2017), Image source: Wikipedia

Here is the full slide for this section:


Failure of the Secrecy State

Government itself and people in government positions will go to go bad every time: is something Shipp states that the Founding Fathers knew after so many years of researching and studying history of government. “Secret Government goes really bad over time;”, Shipp then states and continues, “because there’s no accountability.”

Shipp proceeds with many examples about failures of the CIA and the intelligence apparatus in the history of the country, including the infamous Pearl Harbor Attacks which were historically proven as preventable since even FDR knew in advance about them. It is also stated and documented fact that the CIA was responsible for the Iran Coup in 1953. The list goes on and on up until more modern times with 9/11 (prior knowledge of the attacks), the Iraq War (see more on the subject above in this post), the war in Afghanistan (the longest in US history, and one which also lead to the creation of al Qaeda), the Fall of the Soviet Union, the wars in Libya (assassinating their President and devastating their country) and Syria which spawned ISIS.

Briefly put, these were massive intelligence failures and irreparable damage around the world.


Blood on its Roots

Shipp delves deeper into the earlier days of the CIA and its notorious leader Allen Dulles (the first Director of the CIA who assumed the position from 1953 to 1961) who he claims had brought in high level Nazi officials and scientists to the United States at the end of WWII. He also mentions Operation Phoenix in Vietnam where they assassinated 26,000 people for which the press never reported on.

Shipp also notes the notorious Project MK Ultra (CIA mind control program) which conducted experiments on humans using drugs and methods of torture with the goal of enhancing interrogations by weakening subjects and forcing confessions from them. For the topic of Project MKUltra I highly recommend the following book:


Book: Secret Weapons : Two Sisters' Terrifying True Story of Sex, Spies and Sabotage by Cheryl Hersha (2001), link to Amazon book, other versions available here

The book makes for a very interesting read as the author, Cheryl Hersha, and her sister were young girls and subjects of the nefarious program and trained as spies. Here’s a short extract from Publisher’s Weekly:

Now in their late 30s, the Hersha sisters claim to have experienced chilling childhoods, recounted here by two Ohio-based investigators Schwarz (The Hillside Strangler) and former police captain and "ritual abuse expert" Griffis who say they have studied declassified CIA files and interviewed military personnel in an effort to bolster the Hersha memories.


National Security Act of 1947

Shipp hopes to get the National Security Act of 1947 (which gave the CIA the authority for covert operations) rescinded so as to dismantle the CIA’s ability.

The act states that the CIA is accountable only to the President through the NSC (National Security Council). Ship notes that the CIA obtains authorization for its covert activities from the NSC and all of this was created without Congressional approval.


Power of Unchecked Secrecy

Shipp beings by recalling that Donald Trump challenged the NSA & CIA even before coming into office as President. Then, it is recalled that Senator Chuck Schumer in early 2017 warned the President that: “They [the CIA, NSA] have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.” Here’s the actual video clip of him saying so:

The only time we’ve hear that kind of thing before was,”, Shipp adds, “Allen Dulles and John F. Kennedy.” JFK had said he was going to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces.


It is worthwhile to note that after the assassination of JFK, it was Allen Dulles who then headed the Warren Commission to investigate the incident. That could certainly explain why Trump was not so hesitant on getting the CIA’s JFK files released to the public.

Shipp concludes Part 2 of his presentation by stating: “Whatever your opinion of Trump the Shadow Government fears being exposed. That’s the thunderstorm that’s happening in Washington. They want him [Trump] gone.



In Part 3 - CIA’s Complete Web of Tyranny I go into a lot more including: The Shadow Government’s operation against a sitting President, the Face of Evil, the CIA’s Obstruction of Justice, the Eyes and Ears of the Shadow Government, the New Secret NSA (domestic spying programs), the Fed (engine of the Deep State), the manipulation of the national news media, Constitutional violations, how the Shadow Government rewards the faithful, and more.

Meanwhile, I encourage you to go to Greg Hunter’s (one of my HEROES OF TRUTH) website with a recently (2018-03-11) posted video interview entitled Clinton Charity Fraud Biggest Scandal in US History where Shipp further exposes the Clinton Foundation as the most significant fraud in US history. Here is the video:

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In Truth & Liberty,


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