Top 5 Mass Mind Control Techniques used by the Elite: PART 2 - DIVIDE AND CONQUER


Since this is a 5 part series, here is the master index to each individual article so you can conveniently access each one. As soon as each part is posted, I will update this index to include the respective hyperlinks to the lot.

note: I will be adding in the hyperlinks as the other parts get posted and will also add this index at the top of each post.

Welcome to Part 2 of this series. In Part 1 we explored how the Elites use Propaganda as a means of mass mind control to shape and mold the thoughts and values of people within society. We looked at the various strategies, tactics, and vehicles employed for the dissemination of their various agendas.

Along with Propaganda, this mass mind control method – DIVIDE & CONQUER - is perhaps the most pervasive and widespread, not to mention one that has been used by the powers-that-be to great effect for millennia.

In the past, this tactic has been used as the primary vehicle to not only divide peoples - both within and across borders - but chiefly to start wars.

The Vietnam War, for instance, could serve as a prime example; the South Vietnamese were made to detest their Northern countrymen. After numerous battles between the two, what remains is usually quite easy to "finish off" by the real enemy. In other words, they deceive their targets into doing most of the dirty work for them and then come in to easily destroy and defeat the weakened remnants.


In Saigon during the Vietnam War on February 1, 1968: One countryman shoots another in cold blood.

A final note about this heinous tactic as employed in wars. It is mostly men who fight for any given sides of a conflict. And when a great number of them perish, they leave behind widows and children who become vulnerable and susceptible to further exploitation, as they tend to be less protected and safe. In other words, they become much easier targets for further misdoings. Moreover, with the absence of fathers children are more likely to receive less guidance and protection and are thus more likely to be deprived of essential life skills (traditionally mostly taught by fathers) and thus become weaker individuals and future targets of the Elites.

In history, we have seen this tactic used to foment revolutions and civil wars within the domestic borders of nations. Through NGOs, political donations (bribes), coercion, blackmailing, propaganda, fake news, fake protests, brownstoning, and so on, the Elites place their operatives in key positions of power and influence, as to incite locals to create what appear to be real “grass roots” movements – which, in reality, are carefully disguised, planned, and highly effective operations of mass deception.

There are literally hundreds of examples that can illustrate this tactic - many of which were the fabrication of the CIA.

More recently, we have seen what they (the US Deep State & Military) have done in the Ukraine, Syria, and are currently carrying out in Venezuela and Iran.

A recent exposé by entitled Plan to overthrow the Venezuelan Dictatorship – “Masterstroke”
by Kurt W. Tidd
(along with a post on the subject from our good friend @krnel entitled 'Masterstroke' - A Plan for Regime Change in Venezuela, Written in 2018 by US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM)) lays bare for all to see the various activities employed to divide and weaken all aspects of a country in order to make the leadership look bad so the people will revolt and do much the dirty work for them.


Leaked SOUTHCOM document showing the destructive activities employed by the US Military to weaken Venezuela internally.

Sanctions are but one of the primary activities they like to use; here are (in their own words from the aforementioned document) some of the tactics they currently have in action:

”Encouraging popular dissatisfaction by increasing scarcity and rise in price of the foodstuffs, medicines and other essential goods for the inhabitants. Making more harrowing and painful the scarcities of the main basic merchandises.”

”intensifying the undercapitalization of the country, the leaking out of foreign currency and the deterioration of its monetary base, bringing about the application of new inflationary measures.”

“Fully obstruct imports, and at the same time discouraging potential foreign investors in order to make the situation more critical for the population.”

“Structuring a plan to get the profuse desertion of the most qualified professionals from the country, in order 'to leave it with no professionals at all', which will aggravate even more the internal situation and along these lines putting the blame on of Government.”

So, whenever you hear the usual bullshit that they are fighting for the local people’s right to freedom, democracy, food, medicine, and overall well-being in the face of a tyrannical dictator, you know this is unexclusive of an absolute rubbish two-sided disinformation campaign.

But for the purpose of this article, apart from what is mentioned above, I think it is best to focus on the use of this tactic by the Elites on the collectivity of the individuals - whereby their goal it to pit citizen against citizen, neighbor against neighbor, brethren against brethren.

I can find now better instance of the successful implementation of this divide-and-conquer tactic than that which has been employed to great extent in the United States. Over the past three decades the social fabric and moral fiber of the American nation and its people has devolved and decayed to unimaginable web of hatred and self-destruction.

The Elites have carefully devised and implemented a multi-faceted attack to achieve this goal. Here are but a few of the ones I have noticed to be key in their mischief:

  • The breakdown of the family unit
  • The systematic deterioration of the Educational System
  • The destruction of Christianity and Christian morals
  • Right-Left / Two-Party politics
  • The deliberate introduction of illicit and prescription drugs
  • Pitting the sexes against one another
  • Political Correctness
  • The Gender debate
  • The Erasing of History
  • Destroying the local Culture
  • Transhumanism

The first one in particular – the breakdown of the family unit – in my view is the most imperative one, as everything starts from the home. Love, values, morals, skills, and support are all fundamental aspects to life and development of a human being.

Within a family unit, when parents both need to work less time is available for the instruction of these principles to children which results in a tremendous loss in building not only one’s moral compass, but importantly the means by which they can become independent and learn what it takes to truly survive and prosper in this tough world. In addition, when divorce occurs this problem becomes even more pronounced.

The destruction of Christianity and Christian morals has been also quite devastating. We see this happening all around the globe – especially with the recent (most likely deliberate) fire and the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris along with the hundreds of attacks on churches in France alone during the past year.

Although one can argue that the separation of Church and State is not a bad thing, the Founding Fathers still envisioned Christian morals and God’s gifts and unalienable rights as essential components to a life of freedom. Sadly though, it seems that so many steps are undertaken to remove any positive aspects of Christian ways away from the spiritual radars of the masses - and this is not limited to Christianity or any particular religion, as they simply want to remove the spiritual component from humans, as to remove their moral compasses. By doing so, they render the masses more indifferent to others’ suffering and less sympathetic to their fellow neighbor. Empathy, the glue that binds people together, gets lost.

While I could give countless examples for each of the bullet points above, I will instead recommend a video that highlights the modus operandi that the Elites use to reach their goals. Last November, Black Pilled YouTube channel had posted a video labeled Confessions of a KGB Agent whereby the presenter outlines the methods which are used to implement a program of ideological subversion to destroy a nation or society’s institutions and society foundations. I think the original talk may be longer but this video lasts only about 13 minutes which will give you a very good snapshot of how this all works.

Online tools such as Twitter and Facebook also figure prominently for this strategy of divide-and-conquer.

We saw this in full effect during the 2016 US Presidential election. Never before, have a people (not only in the US) been so divided. Tweets and messages between friends and family members have had a devastating impact on the quality of personal relationships.

Moreover, it was intentionally engineered in a way to completely polarize people by disabling their ability to have rational and respectful exchanges with one another. Everything was black or white. You were either against Trump or you were automatically labeled a white-supremacist-racist-sexist- misogynistic fool. This went beyond the usual “Two Party System” deception. People lost their ability to critically examine and think the broader issues and have civil and respectful exchanges about them. This dynamic was largely attributable and inclusive to the Political Correctness / Hate speech agenda which the Elites also employ – something I will cover in part 3 of this series.

You look at these social media platforms today – especially Twitter – and most of what you can observe are people on different ends of meaningless spectrums insulting & trolling each other, constantly trying to show that they right with catchy memes and catch phrases. The whole thing emits huge toxic cloud of negative vibrations that permeate within peoples’ souls and throughout society. It’s pure garbage.

To sum up, the divide-and-conquer tactic can arguably be seen as the most effective means by which they can weaken societal structures, as a parasite would its host.

This concludes Part 2 of the series. You can continue with Part 3 - HEGELIAN DIALECTIC, a.k.a. PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION.

Thank you for your attention. Comments and re-posts welcome.

In Peace & Liberty,


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