Hello world

This is my first post, while I am posting a new post I am not new to Steemit, just to get that off my chest.

I recently lost my password, it was a newbie mistake, inadventently caused by me replacing it with what I thought was my password. Lots of alcohol does that to you. Frantically searching for my backup I realised I had not done so. Timing issues with when I had made them for my accounts. Not happening again I have made new ones as I write this post.

While I digress into mindless babble I am here to re-introduce myself!

Hi, hello, how are you?

Well first off I am male, middle aged, like Bruce Banner. Can be a Hulk at times, but predominantly a gentle soul.

I like sunsets and sundowns, good cuddles and long sessions of eye contacts...

Anyway I hope you are kind to me this time round and hope I make it into this new and exciting endevour.


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