How a punk show rejuvenated this Mother's spirit

He's made of bones, he's made of blood
He's made of flesh, he's made of love
He's made of you, he's made of me


Please be advised that songs I have linked here contain profanity.

The first notes of Never fight a man with a Perm are met with screams. Guitarist Lee Kiernan gyrates as he plays, a motion that is somehow sexual and slam dance all at once. Joe Talbot's gravelly voice fights its way out of his chest. Red faced he belts out the intro, the vein in his neck immediately bulging from the effort. He slams his hand against his chest as he sings, monstrous and beautiful. Between verses he stomps about wildly in a sort of dance with his band mates, who are equally zealous. Guest 2nd guitarist Tina Maynard of Masca fills in for Mark Bowen, but it feels as if she were always there. You can describe Idles with one word: Passion!

According to Vocalist Joe Talbot, Idles is NOT a punk band. You might be fooled into thinking it is as songs like Danny Nedelko play however, which highlights the humanity of immigrants through Joe's friend Danny. The quote I opened with is from this song, and I think it's just brilliant! An honest plea for us to reconsider how we view "outsiders". Mr Motivator- a newer song, encourages you to seize the day by joining in with your fellows. It is a song based on the band's belief in grassroots movements, which eggs you on with the line You can do it! Yes you can! Talbot opens this song tonight by yelling out "Are you ready to be f'n kind to each other?!".

From my first photo, you can see we started pretty far back. The venue has three tiers, and the front one was guarded by stern head counters. I tried to get in a few times, and on one occasion a man yelled at me "There's a line!" heh. Yeah sure there is, you sweet thing. He's probably still standing there. I blew a raspberry at him to express what good buds we were, and redoubled for another attempt. As time passed my determination grew.

I decided it was time to make my case, because you can't win if you don't try! I sweet talked the gatekeeper with a true tale- I'm a mom on a rare night out, and I gotta get in that pit! With a sigh he lets us through, his lovely heart unable to let him be the one to stop me.

Finally! The band pauses before launching into a song from Crawler, their most recent album. I seize my opportunity, as I'm not quite where I'd like to be yet. "Excuse me, I'm a Mom and I need to have some fun!" I say to the people in front of me, who gladly move aside. "Pardon me, Mom in need of fun, thank you, thank you" I repeat as we are given passage by the wonderful souls of Cleveland OH, right to the center of the action! At once I'm dancing my heart out, blissful next to my husband, who is experiencing his first not-punk show properly now!

Watching Tina Maynard up close is crazy, how she flows with the members of Idles seamlessly. She puts on quite a show, giving even the madman Lee Kiernan (who seriously never stops moving) a run for his money! Talbot is dripping in sweat and magnificent, his voice just as brutal and full of emotion as it was in the beginning of the set! If you want a show, and like... this genre, See Idles!

I'm touched as I think of why Mark Bowen is absent on this tour- he's taking a break to properly enjoy his newborn! The band values paternity leave because most of them are parents! Talbot became a parent when he lost his first child Agatha during birth, the experience shaping the Album Joy as an act of Resistance, in particular the song June.

June is a heart wrenching ballad which hopes to address the grief of infant loss, in part with the lyric "A stillborn is still born". Talbot is an inspiration to me for many personal reasons, but this is a big one. Misery doesn't have to end as such, we can use it to create. In fact, we should if we can.


This photo is a blurry mess, but we're being tossed about, so considering that it's not so bad! Providence found in the heat of the bodies that slam against me, in the pit of this beautiful gathering! The music is tangible, and we are the expression of its tones. My inhibitions fully evaporate in the vehemence that boils the crowd around us, a symbiotic relationship developing that feels like oneness. We move in barbaric unity.

The absolute banger I'm scum starts playing, Talbot ushering it in with the question "Are there any scumbags here tonight?!" Of course, everyone went wild- this is one of their most popular bops. Pressed too tight in a writhing mass of bodies, I felt the stress squeezed from my body like I was being juiced. People shoved and caught each other, no one aiming to be too rough. The ebb and flow of our bodies the main aggression; instigated by us because we need it. Sweet release in letting chaos lead, we can be nothing but movement and sound if we wish.


Suddenly, Lee stops playing to kneel at the edge of the stage, throwing himself forward onto waiting hands. He appears to communicate something, and everyone stops moving him. Slowly, he gets up to his feet! Bassist Adam Devonshire follows, closely tailed by Tina! They meet in the middle, hands clasped to yell out the ending of the song with us. I don't know how they pulled it off, but it was seamlessly done. There was no break in the flow of the song! Incredible.

The entire show was just fan-freaking-tastic!! It had been about five years since I had enjoyed music like that, My children need most of my time- and I am humbled that I get to provide that to them. Still, even elder-punk-moms need to vent their steam off sometimes! It was amazing to remember the compassion and comradery that you find at punk shows- yes I said it. As does everyone who writes about Idles, despite what Talbot says. Because Idles is everything that is wonderful about punk, a shining example of the culture. Being aggressively kind in the face of fascism, lifting your community up in rebellion. Fighting for the world you want- Idles does a good deal of that, contributing to many charities. Their songs, although rough at the seams, address so many important issues. And their fans... well, I learned last night that they are amazing people too.

Thank you for sharing my rare weekend adventure with me! It was cool to relive the experience as I wrote it :) All photos in this post are my own. Wishing all you great hivers an equally great weekend!
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