Israel Threatens to Attack Civilians in 'Coming War'

Screenshot_2019-12-29 Israel Defense Forces ( IDF) Twitter(1).png

On Christmas day, speaking on behalf of the Zionist Occupation Forces, the IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt. General Aviv Kochavi gave an ominous warning to Israel's enemies in the region - namely the occupied Palestinians, Lebanon and Syria - stating unequivocally in no uncertain terms that it planned to target civilians and civilian infrastructure in future attacks in an apparently anticipated and foreseen coming war.

In a video posted on Twitter on December 25, linked above, the General said that, "In the next war, we will forcefully strike within urban areas," both implying that a coming war is inevitable, and that Israel has every intention to strike civilian targets, as it already does on a regular basis in airstrikes most notably across the Gaza Strip but also in Syria. This threat immediately followed Israeli airstrikes the same day which "struck a number" of "targets in Gaza," following an alleged rocket attack wherein one single rocket is said to have been fired from Gaza and intercepted by Israel's Iron Dome defense system.

"It is the enemy who chose to position itself there," he went on to say, apparently referring to Palestinian resistance factions being accused of positioning themselves in urban areas in the densely populated Gaza Strip. But not only this, the spokesman explained, "the enemy also chooses to fire thousands of rockets and missiles at Israeli civilians," apparently failing to account for the various instances in which both Hamas and Hezbollah have targeted Israeli military forces rather than civilians.

"The difference between us and our enemy," he goes on to explain, "is that unlike the enemy who does everything to attack civilians, we base ourselves on good intelligence, good striking capabilities, quality maneuvering, we will strike based on intelligence, and out intelligence capabilities are developing every day."

Only problem with this claim is that Israel is the one not only constantly targeting civilians in Gaza but actually killing, injuring and actively destroying their infrastructure. This so-called "good intelligence" Israel bases their strikes upon is clearly not good enough, and these "intelligence capabilities" which are "developing every day" apparently need to be developed quite a bit further before such comments by the IDF can be taken seriously by the world.

For example, Israeli intelligence is so wonderfully developed and accurate that not that long ago the IDF bombed a house it claimed housed a non-existent Islamic Jihad rocket chief while at the same time killing an entire family of eight. These intelligence capabilities indeed need quite a bit more developing before the coming war, apparently. Either that or the Zionists are already habitually targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure, which seems more likely based on these most recent threats to do just that.

The Israeli General went on to explain they will strike "forcefully" because there is no other way to stop the "phenomenon" of the dangerous "threat" these rockets fired at Israel pose, despite these "thousands of rockets" having done far less damage to civilians and infrastructure in Israel than the devastating Israeli airstrikes have done in Gaza, killing and injuring hundreds while systematically leveling their infrastructure. It almost seems as if it is Israel which poses the greater threat to civilian life and infrastructure in the region...

The General then goes on to promise that before striking the populated civilian centers, they will warn and allow the civilians to evacuate, which appears ridiculous, as in each of its past wars with its neighbors (Gaza and Lebanon), it has done no such thing. "We'll also strike at the infrastructure of the host country [of these terror groups,]" he said, adding "electricity, fuel, infrastructure, we will strike." He further added that any country which hosts or even "encourages" a "terror group" should know that it "bears responsibility." This threat is indeed quite broad and far reaching, for who will know what exactly 'encouraging' a 'terror group' could mean according to the Zionists. What he seems to be saying is anyone Israel sees as a threat, or anyone who evens vocally supports these ‘enemies’, whether or not they have actually attacked Israel, will be a viable target in their eyes in this coming war. Anyone Israel labels an enemy is fair game regardless of any actual acts of aggression against Israel or not.

He specifically declares this responsibility lies with the Lebanese government, Hamas, and Syria. So Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrian civilians can expect Israeli attacks intentionally targeting populated areas and civilian infrastructure, including specifically their electricity and fuel. It almost sounds to me as if Israel is the one who may just pose the greatest threat in the region, but maybe that is just me.

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