My Nominations for the PHC Top 3 Monthly Contest - Movie Tunes

My Nominations for the PHC Top 3 Monthly Contest - Movie Tunes blog thumbnail.jpg

For the first PHC Top 3 Monthly Contest (Comedy Movies), I decided (with a little encouragement from the PHCtop3 team) to submit my entries with gifs. I see no reason not to to that again! 😊

And while I didn't intentionally go for a certain theme for my favorite movie tunes, it just happened that the first three (of about a bajillion) that popped into my head are all from the 80s, and two of them are dance related. Guess I have a type! 😂

So without further ado, here are my 3 nominations for the PHC Top 3 Monthly Contest - Movie Tunes contest, in no particular order...


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Nomination 1 - Separate Lives by Phil Collins & Marilyn Martin, from the movie White Nights

From the moment Phil sings, "You called me from the room in your hotel" with just a couple of simple guitar chords, my feels go into overdrive! Add to that the movie itself, with Mikhail Baryshnikov and Gregory Hines performing some of the most amazing movie dance moves ever (slight bias on my part as a former ballerina), and this song just grabs my heart and doesn't let go!


Official Video


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Nomination 2 - What a Feelin' by Irene Cara, from the movie Flashdance

Yes, this song is amazingly empowering, and with lyrics like, "Take your passion/And make it happen/Pictures come alive/You can dance right through your life" it's inspiring enough to forgive the horrible wig Beal's dance double Marine Jahan had to wear (fun fact - Jahan was briefly married to Peter Tramm, the dance double for Kevin Bacon in Footloose). However, this song also brings to mind this little moment, when every woman who's ever taken her bra off this way exclaimed, "YES! What a feeling!"


Official Video


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Nomination 3 - Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds, for the movie The Breakfast Club

I graduated high school in 1983, two years before this movie came out. While the one time I ever had detention wasn't nearly as cool as this movie made it seem, there is just so much about the movie, and the song, that brings me right back to that time, and all the millions of unrequited crushes I had. Every time it came on the radio, I'd sing at the top of my lungs in a defiant kind of, "Oh yeah? You wouldn't go to prom with me? Well, don't you forget about me, because one of these days, you're gonna realize what you missed out on, and then you'll be sorry, but I'll be too busy being fabulous to care!!!" Just like I'm sure everyone else in the world did... and in my case, still does...😜


Official Video


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Again this was great fun, Power House Creatives Top 3! Best of luck to everyone entering, and I can't wait to see what songs everyone else picks out!

Thanks for stopping by!

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