For a successful life we need to focus

Some people think that focus is something we are born with or the most intelligent people can learn in school. That's not true. Fixation and many of its problems are malleable, which means we can work on it as we can work on running persistence.

It's more common to hear people talk about "using time productively" nowadays than looking at the board. But being able to remember things won't help us if we can't helpfully use them. We can't change how time moves forward. There is no way for a second to be longer, and we won't add 25 hours to our day. At least one thing we can change, though, is our obsession. Because of it, we can get things done faster and better, which gives us more time in the day.

The brain's prefrontal cortex helps us remember which parts of what we are doing or need to do are essential. So, ignoring interruptions and focusing on what we must do is usually safe. If it stops making things happen, our cell phone will bother us, our sweater will tingle, or our partner tapping his pen on the table or a bird flying outside will keep us busy. So, does it matter if we work here for eight or three hours?

Plans are being made for arrangement.

Try to break up the thing you want to focus on into 20- to 25-minute chunks, with a 5-minute break between each. Go for a walk, make tea, enjoy the fresh air, and do ten push-ups. You need time to relax, even after a run, so that you can start again. Our brains are like muscles: they need rest before working well again. "Span preparing" isn't the only way to deal with the lack of attention.

The mind is only made to do a few things at a time.

It can fully concentrate on each thing at a time. You must switch from one thing to the next when doing many things simultaneously. However, we only give full attention to some of them because we must switch between them quickly. If we do this over a long period, our brains will lose the ability to discern what is truly important and pay less attention to everything we do. We will weaken the "channel" that tells us what needs attention and what should be pulled out. This teaching hurts memory and could even lower a person's brain.

We should work during the times that are best for us.

If our jobs allow it, we should figure out when to focus on what we want to do. It could be at 6 a.m., 10 a.m., 3 p.m., right after lunch, or 7 p.m. We can do activities that only require a little thought during the times of the day when our focus is the worst. Our minds will become less interested in work if we do it briefly when they are in the right frame of mind. It will work longer, but less and less focus will happen. If we can figure out when we are most productive, we can get more done and do it faster.
Customary "ceremonies" can help fixation stay in place.

A cold shower in the morning, running, deep thought, breathing exercises, good coffee, uplifting music, or a TED talk... The best way to get high is to do all of these things.

How does the place where you work look?

Isn't it full of upsetting things? Change what you need to focus on so nothing bothers you. After that, your mind will start to see it as a place of maximum focus, and it will be easier for you to come together here than anywhere else.

Breaks are important.

The longer we should think, the more breaks we should take. The brain gets tired without a break and starts looking for something to protect it from the pile. For example, we remember having to look for a particular song for a long time, look at an online store, or put on more clothes. The mind needs a break before it can start working again.

Data on diet

Everyone needs to be informed as much as possible because there are many options. However, is it really that important? Everything we read—on the computer, in the paper, in the news, for fun online, or in messages—takes up much of our time. While we do this, we should try to save money, and let's not waste the whole day looking at what's available. It shifts the attention away from where we want it to be. We should use computers to plan our days and determine what to focus on and what will keep us from doing it.

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