Marriage delayed for guys in India for not having a own house

Relationships and marriages are different in India compared to other parts of the world. People ask for dinner and they build the relationship and gradually end up marrying each other. This is something that happens in Western countries but in India, there are still many families that do properly arranged marriages. These type of marriages are something where the whole family is involved and they plan everything for a bride and groom.

Sometimes people decide to settle down in life first before they go for the next commitment like marriage and kids. But predicting the settling down part is very hard because it can take years. This is where some people make the mistake and they end up not getting married at the right age. After a point, it is either blind acceptance or they end up not getting married at all.


Demands are heavy these days

Finding the right bride is becoming very difficult these days. It is said that the amount of boys is higher compared to the amount of girls available for marriage. Even though I don't buy this completely, it appears to be like that. Many girls are working well and they also demand good boys. There are so many demands from both the side of the family when it comes to marriage. Usually, discussions happen beforehand and everything gets solved and then only marriage happens.

Marriages have lots of expectation and the bride's family these days expect the groom to have a house. Many marriages are being rejected for not having a house. One good thing is that all these discussions happen before the marriage so that there are no big disputes after the marriage. Despite all these things discussed beforehand, there are some instances where the groom's family is not happy with the bride's family and they start creating problems after the marriage.


Guys find it hard to meet the expectation

There used to be a time in India where there was too much of demand from the groom's side when it came to marriages. The groom will ask for a car, house, and whatnot. Today the cycle has changed and these days the bride's family is demanding so many things. Some of the demands include the following:

  • The Groom should soon travel abroad and have a nice job there
  • All the marriage expenses should be made by the Groom
  • The groom should not live with their parents after the marriage and they have to move out.
  • The groom should have a car
  • The groom should have his own house
  • It is preferable if both the parents are dead

I can keep going with the list but it wouldn't be very nice to keep reading. I have seen some of my friends say that they don't need a house because they keep changing places. They move from one city to another city whenever there is a job change.

If the above is going to be the demand from the Bride's side, it can get hard in the future for guys to get married. All this is happening because there is a huge demand for girls these days.

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