AI Has A Major Issues At The Moment

With all the talk about AI and many stocks and cryptos/blockchains springing up with AI in them to get in on the hype we have been seeing a clear increased need for AI and how it's going to shape our lives.

The big issue that AI faces right now is there's simply not enough commuting power. Mainly everything runs off of Nvidia GPUs and Intel for the most part is still out of the picture.

AI Overview

We have seen AI starting to take over jobs and also what I would call elevate jobs. It touches every aspect of every job and will continue to do so in more and more ways as we roll forward just like the industrial age did.

AI now has flippy the burger flipper (still cracks me up lol) to making digital art, videos and music. You also have the hardware side of AI for bomb disposal, toxic waste and other things that can be harmful to humans AI can now go in and do on it's own without too much human intervention.

AI Nvidia and Intel

The two be players at the moment are Nvidia and Intel however there's some new companies that are starting to come to light out of places like China to make their own chips. AI has pretty much sparked a new cold war and one that's heavily seeking resources once again in the form or rare earth metals. It's why at the current moment Taiwan is such a critical aspect of the USA and other pro USA countries.

It's also why we have recently seen a lot of tensions within Africa again as many of the resources come from here. It's also why you're seeing France become a major player and more aggressive in Africa to fight pro Russian forces in this area. It's all about resources and getting your hands on as much of the stuff and out of the hands as others.

Right now Intel is behind the ball and has been falling behind for many years. It's mainly because Intel had no competition until recently when they started to realize in the last 5 years that Nvidia actully has a major leg up on them in many areas such as crypto mining which was a big one and now AI.

So much so that Intel's first AI style chips are not expected to release until late this year!

Crypto and The Cloud

One area that is set to explode is cloud based systems. Mainly for AI computing which I think is going to be a major wave here for the next few years at least until more hardware comes online with better computing power.

The idea is to cloud base some AI to other people that are not currently using their resources.

I think the earliest example of this ever was via Gridcoin and honestly if Gridcoin wakes up and jumps in on this I believe they could be at the forefront of it. However I really don't think they are going to sadly as that community has gotten ever small and under valued for the last few years.

Right now there are some solutions for this such as Exabits in which offer up some areas of tapping into this vast array of GPUs.

Now I think it's only a matter of time before AI and blockchain gets involved with some type of rewards structure for this. We are already seeing some show up such as Grass which runs on your system and opens up unused bandwidth and a few others. But I'm curious when or maybe there already is one that focuses on crypto rewards with GPU AI mining. If you know of one please drop it in the comments as I'd love to do a deeper dive on this.

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