"Alexa's reflection"

On the darkest of all nights, a young woman and her dog are standing on an immense ivory stone. In front of them, there is a lake that seems to harbor in its depths a merciless and dark enemy known as "the devourer of dreams". Far away from that scene, a group of villagers with lamps and torches in their hands look at the reckless girl from a distance, while the lake begins to split in two to give way to a terrifying character. But who is this girl, and what is happening there?

We only have to go back a couple of weeks. Alexa, a young woman of French descent goes to her last doctor's appointment.

-I'm very sorry Alexa, but the damage is already irreparable.

These were the doctor's words to the young woman, who did not seem surprised by the diagnosis.

-If you want, we can try one more time with the therapies," the doctor added.

-I don't want therapies to laugh or cry. I just want to be a normal girl - answered Alexa with a high tone of voice.

-It hurts me very much what you are going through, my dear Alexa.

-I can't say the same, because even sadness can't fill me- said Alexa after a long sigh.


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For a long time Alexa harbored in her heart something that at first was her best defense but later became a cruel prison. For many years, she had to endure the mistreatment of her parents and relatives, something that she also experienced at school and in the neighborhood to a greater degree. She never had anyone to support her or listen to her, so inwardly she resolved not to show sadness or pain, she would never shed a tear again.

But one day Alexa felt an unbearable emptiness inside her, and when she went to the doctor she understood the effect of that decision. By repressing her pain and sadness, she also repressed a large part of her emotions, which turned her into a kind of person incapable of expressing her feelings and emotions. She could recognize what it was like to be happy or upset, but she could not externalize it. It was like a time bomb that only exploded inside her, and this led her to smile without being able to feel love or happiness. There was no emotion or feeling to show or any sign of affection that could rescue her.

Such a situation was not only detrimental to her but to those around her. Many did not know what she had so they labeled her as cold and empty, an unconscious and lifeless woman. Therefore, Alexa decided to go to the most isolated place that could exist, and thus live in her internal prison and not be a burden to someone else. Between search and search she found a town called "Lostvalley", a place that caught her attention since the review mentioned that from this town no one could leave and no one wanted to enter. "This is the perfect place to get lost and never come back" Alexa nodded with total coldness.

Faced with such a decision, Alexa went to say goodbye to her doctor before setting off on her journey.

-It's not a good idea, Alexa. That's not going to cure you- said the doctor.

-Who knows, maybe my discomfort will be of great use there- exclaimed Alexa.

-At least take the pet I wanted you to have for so long," suggested the doctor with determination.

And with that Alexa appreciated her doctor's interest.

-Thank you very much for your sincere interest. Even though I can't show it, deep down I have a special appreciation for you," and with that, Alexa left.

The girl consented to the doctor's wish, so she bought herself a dog, whom she named "fiera". Only her dog and a small suitcase would be her companions on the trip. First it was a three-hour train ride to the outway station, where a guide was waiting with her. Now it would be two hours on foot, along a path that became darker and narrower with each step.


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-Do you see that lake? -said the guide as he pointed ahead. -Just across it is the town of Lostvalley.

-Wait, aren't you going to continue? said Alexa.

But then the guide said with some trepidation:

-After the lake, there is no turning back. You can't go back.

So Alexa continued on her way, and just in front of the lake she took a look, but could not see her reflection in the water. She insisted once more, and immediately as she leaned over, her dog barked and a cry went up:

-Don't do it, don't do it!

He was one of the residents who was there. It was a surprise for him to see a girl near the lake, since for years no one had been able to get there. This man took Alexa by the arm, and in a hurry they walked away from the lake. With Fiera barking and the screams of that man, the other residents began to leave their houses, places that were mostly kept in front of the light of a campfire, since they had been living in total darkness for a long time.

Alexa was confused. She did not understand why the residents reflected so much fear of the lake, and the most amazing thing was that the sun never came out in the village, it was a prolonged darkness for a long time. Anita, a teenager who had been born in that town, noticed Alexa's confusion, and commented to her:

-Our town of Lostvalley at one time was not so. It was a very beautiful place, and the sun every morning lovingly sheltered us. But one night there was a great storm, and a fierce wind shook the whole place. From there, we could never see the sun again, and there appeared that gloomy lake which is the home of the dream-eater.

-Dream eater? What is that?" asked Alexa.


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-You see. Ever since that storm hit our town, fear and terror took over the place. When we wanted to get out of here, that creature appeared and since then it hasn't left us alone-" said Alexa.

And no sooner had Anita finished saying this than the bell of an old church began to ring. The dream eater has come out of the lake because of the commotion in the village. Everyone runs to their homes and shelters, so scared and desperate that they forgot to shelter Alexa. The girl had no choice but to hide behind a large bush, but the dog started barking drew the creature's attention.

No one had ever been in front of it before. It was huge. Its body was wind and mist, it had no face and its arms were chains of fire that screeched weeping and pain. Alexa was dying of fear inside, but her face and expression reflected absolutely nothing, due to the disorder she was suffering from. At this, the dream-eater inexplicably left, and mercilessly whipped the houses of the entire town, completely ignoring Alexa's presence.

Many were stunned by what had happened. Some even began to feel fear for Alexa, but Anita managed to calm them down. Seeing how terrified everyone was, Alexa understood the existence of the creature, so she decided to go to the lake and confront it right in its own shelter.

And that is how we find ourselves in the opening scene, Alexa and fiera in front of the lake. People waiting from a distance, and the dream eater emerging from those mysterious waters. Again the creature stood in front of Alexa, but not being able to perceive her fear, the dream eater was furious, because that creature could not see what Alexa felt in her heart. Between lightning and thunder, a huge fog enveloped the whole place. For an instant everything disappeared, until a ray of light broke through from above. At last the sunlight had returned! And in a matter of seconds the scene was transformed.

The whole place was once again full of life and color, and the people no longer had reason to fear. And what was once the hiding place of a terrifying monster was now a majestic spring, a source of joy and life for everyone in the village. Times of joy and happiness came, and in the midst of the merriment it was never known what became of Alexa and her dog fiera. No one has been able to talk to her nor seen them leave the place. With the passing of time, many are the residents who assure that in the most beautiful and sunny day, the barking of a dog is heard, and the reflection of a princess is drawn on the canvas of the spring.


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