Caught By The Web Of Good Humor

Caught By The Web Of Good Humor

Photo by Andres Ayrton

"I told you, I despise this guy with all I have in my stomach, what kind of a guy doesn't laugh or talk to any lady except for one? What is he feeling like?" Lovelyn, the talkative but prettiest lady in Senior Secondary School Two (SSS2), was telling her friends while they were standing at our class entrance when I bumped into them.

"Good morning," I greeted them before entering the class. "Morning Emreal," the other ladies responded, after which they burst into laughter. I knew they were referring to me in their conversation, but my concern was, why didn't Lovelyn reply to my greeting?

Lovelyn is a beautiful lady, her round eyes and eyelashes are so charming, she is the first slim tall, fair lady who has a body shape every guy in the school is talking about, and guess what? Her dress sense is top-notch, I have never caught her in a uniform that is not ironed.

The school authority didn't make a mistake by appointing her as the social prefect. Another charming thing about the lady is her smile, gosh! They are the best of the best, they heal the soul like the sweet scent oozing out of a freshly fetched rose.

But who cares? I just don't want to mingle with any lady in the school and I am not going back on my words.

"What a school, I just got admitted not up to a month and the girls are all looking for an occasion to be enemies with me." I was still thinking when I heard a soft voice beside me.

"Hey, Emreal, how are you doing today? You seem disturbed." It was Juliet, the lady whom everyone suspects I was dating because I relate to her freely.

I turned and faced her desk positioned just adjacent to mine and said "I am fine dear, just that the girls in this school are making me uncomfortable, especially Lovelyn. She acts weird and says annoying things each time she sees me. I am not the reason why she looks so tall and fair, she should let me be."

Hahhaha, Juliet started laughing uncontrollably, causing a scene in the class. "Come on Juliet, you need to stop laughing and listen to me, I am serious," I added.

"Please forgive me Emreal, but you have such a good sense of humor, which one is you are not the reason why is tall, come on, Love is my friend and she's is cool. Maybe she has a reason for all this. Give it time it may be unearthed. That reminds me, in case you haven't heard this one, she also said she hates it when you look at her, your looks are sinister," Juliet replied.

LoL, "You mean Lovelyn said that? Now who has a good sense of humor? That girl is a clown. Anyways, Thanks dear, I replied with a sweet smile on my face.

Juliet is a lady of average height, dark-skinned, and very beautiful. I like being around her because she is a very good listener. My best friend Abraham thinks Juliet likes me but I don't see anything like that each time I look at her face.

Some weeks later, I was sitting under a locust bean tree with Abraham during the break hour, conversing and laughing only to raise my head and see Lovelyn standing in front of me, "Oh my God! What's this surprise for?" I asked, trying to act tough. Honestly, my legs were shaking, but I composed myself.

"Emreal, right? Sorry I didn't mean to startle you, I am Lovelyn," she replied. "Stop acting like you don't know me and Who doesn't know the almighty Love in this school? I mean you are like the school's signboard, the lady everyone likes," I replied romantically.

"Oh! Juliet didn't lie about your sense of humor but trust me, none of those are funny," she replied.

"Obviously, they are getting through to you because I saw your left ear move," I replied.

Hmmm! She sighed.

"You know, my Dad used to say, ears too laugh, and you just proved him right, see the other ear is moving as well," I added.

She looked at me smiling uncontrollably without saying anything for a few seconds. "Has anyone ever told you how annoying you are?" She asked.

Then took off her school bag, removed a notebook and a pen handed them to me, and said "You know what? write down your phone number and your 2go username behind."

Come on, who would decline such an offer from the prettiest lady in school? I didn't hesitate, I wrote down my number and my 2go username and handed the book back to her.

"Alright, expect my call after school, meanwhile, I love your sense of humor, I must confess," she added after zipping her bag. Then she left.

"Emreal, how did you get through this girl?" Abraham asked. "Get through her, How bro?" I asked him. "Are you blind? This girl likes you, the phone number thing says it all, didn't you even notice the way she-cat walked while leaving?" He added.

"I noticed nothing, bro," I replied. Actually, I know she likes me, and to be frank, I like her too but I am finding it difficult to believe everything because I felt she was the hottest girl in school, what will she be doing with me?

When I went home that day after school, I even forgot that I had given out my number. Just when I was about to close my eyes and search for sleep, my phone started ringing. Gosh! "Should I pick, or should I not?" I was contemplating.

I crawled to the table, some inches away, and picked up my Nokia C2, one of the reigning phones of the time, and picked up the call without saying a word.

"Hello, is this Emreal?" A tender voice asked. "Yes, it is, who am I talking with?" I inquired. "It's Cj cleft," The voice answered. "Sorry, I don't know any CJ cleft, can you be more specific?" I requested.

"Come on, Emreal, it's Lovelyn, don't tell me you don't know me with CJ cleft," the voice asked.

"Oh! The finest girl in school, forgive me, I don't know you with that name. I am really sorry. How does your voice sound like honey on the phone?" I tried to put a smile on her face because I noticed she was a bit pissed off with my previous response.

"See who is trying to bribe me, well, you've succeeded, thank you," She replied. I knew that I got her by that response, so I laughed and continued throwing more of those sweet words.

We continued communicating often subsequently, she was always calling me on the phone after school, after which we would go to 2go and chat at length.

Gradually, our friendship became obvious in school. Everyone was surprised except for Abraham because he knew something like that was going to happen.

Every day, I hung out with Lovelyn and with time, I asked her out and we started dating. When Juliet noticed that we were dating, she cut ties with me and stopped being nice. It was later on, I knew she was much in love with me also. I felt so bad because she was my friend, I never wanted to lose her.

The truth is, I didn't notice she loved me. All the time and attention she was giving, I thought it was just to make our friendship stronger. Moreover, I wasn't feeling anything for her. I needed friendship and nothing more.

For me and lovelyn, we dated throughout high school but after we graduated, the relationship crashed.

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