Into the Snowstorm: My Final Steps to Rudranath Temple

In yesterday's post (Sagar village to Panar bugyal trekSagar village to Panar bugyal trek) we read that I reached Panar Bugyal on foot from Sagar village. I had to trek 12 km to reach here in which I gained an elevation of 1950 meters. At first I thought that I was alone in the forest but the sound of a bear heard on the way really scared me. My journey from Panar Bugyal continued further and I had to face bad weather and snowfall on the way to my destination. In such bad weather, I was able to see my favorite peak "Nanda Devi". So let's go on this adventure.

The walking distance from Panar to Rudranath temple is 8 km. I sat in Panar and ate the lunch I had brought with me, filled my eyes with the view of the snow-covered peaks visible from here and started walking with my rucksack on my shoulders. The weather is still fine and in the bright sunlight, I felt good that I would reach on time because now the path from here to the temple is almost downhill.

It has been only 2 km since I left Panar Bugyal and I have started seeing dark clouds on the snowy mountains which have made me worried that if these clouds reach here too, then snowfall will start for which I am not at all prepared. Due to winter, the grass has burnt and dried up and now it will become green again in summer. While walking, I see some people sitting on the road at a distance. While returning, I talk to these people and come to know that there is a lot of snow ahead, so all these people could not reach the temple and are now going back.

The bad weather and the words of these people returning back are disappointing me but I have not come to go back. I ask a question whether anyone will be found in the temple now? The returning group does not know the answer to this because these people could not reach the temple. I motivate myself and repeat many times that I will reach the temple and someone will definitely meet me there. Saying bye to the returning group, I set out on my way.

While walking on the ridge on top of the mountain, I can see old snow far away. Looking at it, I am thinking that I will walk on the old snow but new snow should not fall. So far, the weather is not as bad as I had thought. I have stopped at 3600 meters and after drinking some water, I think that I should walk fast otherwise I might get stuck in bad weather.

Finally, I have found old snow lying on the road, and now I have to cross this sea of ​​snow safely without falling. I am moving ahead slowly but my feet are getting stuck in the holes between the stones under the snow till my thighs and due to this my clothes and shoes are getting wet. Now that I have walked for almost a kilometer on the snow, not only my shoes but my pants have also become wet. Along with getting wet, cold wind has also started blowing which is forcing me to shiver.

I am scared looking at the snowy mountains in front of me because it has become completely dark there and in a few moments the black clouds are going to reach me and create havoc. After half an hour I reach among the clouds. Bad weather has surrounded me and light snowfall has started with strong winds. Now I feel that I wish I was not alone here, I wish I had gone with the group that went back. I am having a lot of negative thoughts.

When I check the gpx, I find out that now the temple is just 2 km away. I gather myself for the last time and start moving forward. I am finding it very difficult to walk because I am knee deep in snow. Here one km is being covered in about an hour. By now the snowfall and storm have reached their peak, the snow is not falling lightly like before but is falling with full force as if it wants to whiten every part of the earth.

After the next half an hour I see the temple complex 400 meters away and seeing this I breathe a sigh of relief. When I reach the temple premises and look around, nature has covered the entire landscape with snow, not only this, the snowfall has not stopped yet. I stand in front of the temple and fold my hands and say to Lord Rudra that thank you for giving me courage. I am so tired of walking in the snow that now I need warm food and sleep.

In the next part I will tell whether I met anyone here or not? Or I had to face the challenges alone in the ravine. Till then take care of yourself and enjoy the weather. Today, by walking 8 km, I had to face 850 meters of elevation gain.

Disclaimer: This post is originally written in Hindi and I have used Google Translator to translate the Hindi text in English. All the photos have been clicked by me from Canon 77D and thumbnail photo edited in adobe photoshop.

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