Unveiling Media Manipulation: How TV News Sells Agendas to the Masses

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Life was different back then when I used to watch media on televisions and growing up I've seen there was always a different news everyday and people were always watching and talking about stories being sold on the TV.

When I was a kid, I remember I never liked news and media stuff in television because was mostly something bad going on.

Innocent me used to believe media shows the truth and they're always on the right side helping out people to raise their voices and matters to high level.

Now my entire perspective about media is changed and I've seen the reality of how things work in this field.

Television News Media: How They sell propoganda and Agenda's to masses

Image by Tayeb MEZAHDIA from Pixabay

A couple of years ago before I started to take interest in television news and like there are multiple news channel in my country.

I can name couple of; Geo News, Ary News, Sama News. These channels used to be my favorite one's like skipping from one to another just to watch if there's something interesting going on in country.

The biggest news channel on our television is Geo and Ary news. Now when I was watching multiple news channel I started to notice one news channel is taking side of x political party and the other one is taking side of y political party.

I heard other people also noticed this and now after all those years we know "Geo News" is owned by this x political party and Ary is owned by that other party.

So, They're playing with people through media

These News channels are mostly backed by these parties and all they're getting funded for is make other people convince that "we're the right one to rule in this country, so vote us".

Even everytime when my grandma wants to watch news she's like I'll only watch that one news channel because it says good thing about the political party she's voted.

This is just one tactic more like election compaign through media.. but there's more worse thing about this news media.

They've Banned Source of news like X to keep people away from the facts

I stopped watching news on television long ago and haven't watched since everything was on internet and main source of my news was X aka twitter.

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

The moment people started talking about how there's no democracy in country, how media is fooling people and the whole corruption is going on in the country... What they (government) did is banned X with no official announcement.

It's been more than two months still can't access X without VPN.

The fact that media was exposed so badly they didn't have any other way to censor people except keeping people away from that social media platform.

Wrapping Up...

The sad part is still people are sleeping and not taking any action as they are mostly scared... All the manipulation going on in television through the media is clear like crystal for the younger generation but others are still believing everything they see on it.

In the end, on internet everyone can check the facts if the news is right and behind the story real quick. We only need more censorship resistant platform to share the news like InLeo is one place where I do share news and no one is there to censor it.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 08/04/2024.

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